
Where did you read this?

I thought it was just an adaptation of the Dark Horse produced comic series.

its a remake of the 87 film. It won one of those foreign film oscars. MIght be worth checking out. I really have no idea if its any good.

the new one looks really really bad. But, it might be so bad its good...if you get that. Kind of like Commando ( Arnold Schwarzanegger movie )
So I wen't and saw it....
I really want that two hours and 8 dollars worth of life back. All it did was piss me off to the point where I need to come here and rant, and then go to Livejournal and rant, hopefully pissing off enough of YOU so that YOU all rant, and the world knows how much we HATE THAT FUCKING MOVIE!!!!!

Firstly, the story line sucked, and felt very much simpled down from something that was originally epic and grand. I figure that is because it's an american movie. Visuals were beautiful, butttt...of course...american movie. Huge visuals for lots of idiots with low IQs. Terrible storyline, wretched plot holes. Decent acting.

The Demonization of the Vikings was so outragious that it sickened me, and pissed me off to no end. I can handle vikings being portrayed as the bad guys in a movie, because from a lot of peoples perspectives, they WERE the bad guys-the enemy. However. This was like...out to make them look absolutely awful, and with NO redeeming qualities. For one, they were there to commit Genocide, and "cleanse these lands before we settle here". They were portrayed as racist animals, and infact the boy who was raised by them said that where they come from "they are all beasts. Nothing more. They live for hate." It's fucking bullshit. The vikings call the native americans "animals" and when the kid speaks icelandic they're like "so you DO speak like a human". The action scenes suck. No good FIGHTS. the vikings go into a village and kill every single person, to the point where they chase the single survivors all around the woods like idiots. Its like they are orcs chasing the prized hobbits for Isengard. Mindless and stupid. THey are easily tricked, also, and portrayed as big, slow idiots. The truth is the vikings prized cunning over strength, and any Asatru, or person who knows a thing about the Norsemen, would know that. And worst of all, it shows them killing their own comrades. Twice. Once because a general is angry, he beats one of his soldiers to death, and then at the end the leader kills his second in command so that he can take the guys knife and use it as a pick to climb a cliff. How very unheathen and how very unviking.

THe Movie sucked. I'm pissed. You all should be -_-.
There was a thread about this movie almost 6-7 months ago, and many of us had warned the board that the movie would be a typical hollywood movie... with complete lack ofs tory, character and false historical facts. The preview at the time was enough to show countless misrepresentation of real vikings and their first journey to America ... can't say you hadn't been forewarned.
You went and saw it?? NO MEAD FOR YOU ON FRIDAY NITE!!!!!!!!

you are going to be there, right?

So I wen't and saw it....
I really want that two hours and 8 dollars worth of life back. All it did was piss me off to the point where I need to come here and rant, and then go to Livejournal and rant, hopefully pissing off enough of YOU so that YOU all rant, and the world knows how much we HATE THAT FUCKING MOVIE!!!!!

Firstly, the story line sucked, and felt very much simpled down from something that was originally epic and grand. I figure that is because it's an american movie. Visuals were beautiful, butttt...of course...american movie. Huge visuals for lots of idiots with low IQs. Terrible storyline, wretched plot holes. Decent acting.

The Demonization of the Vikings was so outragious that it sickened me, and pissed me off to no end. I can handle vikings being portrayed as the bad guys in a movie, because from a lot of peoples perspectives, they WERE the bad guys-the enemy. However. This was like...out to make them look absolutely awful, and with NO redeeming qualities. For one, they were there to commit Genocide, and "cleanse these lands before we settle here". They were portrayed as racist animals, and infact the boy who was raised by them said that where they come from "they are all beasts. Nothing more. They live for hate." It's fucking bullshit. The vikings call the native americans "animals" and when the kid speaks icelandic they're like "so you DO speak like a human". The action scenes suck. No good FIGHTS. the vikings go into a village and kill every single person, to the point where they chase the single survivors all around the woods like idiots. Its like they are orcs chasing the prized hobbits for Isengard. Mindless and stupid. THey are easily tricked, also, and portrayed as big, slow idiots. The truth is the vikings prized cunning over strength, and any Asatru, or person who knows a thing about the Norsemen, would know that. And worst of all, it shows them killing their own comrades. Twice. Once because a general is angry, he beats one of his soldiers to death, and then at the end the leader kills his second in command so that he can take the guys knife and use it as a pick to climb a cliff. How very unheathen and how very unviking.

THe Movie sucked. I'm pissed. You all should be -_-.
There was a thread about this movie almost 6-7 months ago, and many of us had warned the board that the movie would be a typical hollywood movie... with complete lack ofs tory, character and false historical facts. The preview at the time was enough to show countless misrepresentation of real vikings and their first journey to America ... can't say you hadn't been forewarned.

I remember that thread although I never read it. I've still held the same viewpoint though.
I kow tis is totally off topic, but I bought Amon Amarth's DVD a couple days ago and it finally arrived in the mail (along with my Windir DVD!).

So that's it, please continue movie bashing :)
So I wen't and saw it....
I really want that two hours and 8 dollars worth of life back. All it did was piss me off to the point where I need to come here and rant, and then go to Livejournal and rant, hopefully pissing off enough of YOU so that YOU all rant, and the world knows how much we HATE THAT FUCKING MOVIE!!!!!

Firstly, the story line sucked, and felt very much simpled down from something that was originally epic and grand. I figure that is because it's an american movie. Visuals were beautiful, butttt...of course...american movie. Huge visuals for lots of idiots with low IQs. Terrible storyline, wretched plot holes. Decent acting.

The Demonization of the Vikings was so outragious that it sickened me, and pissed me off to no end. I can handle vikings being portrayed as the bad guys in a movie, because from a lot of peoples perspectives, they WERE the bad guys-the enemy. However. This was like...out to make them look absolutely awful, and with NO redeeming qualities. For one, they were there to commit Genocide, and "cleanse these lands before we settle here". They were portrayed as racist animals, and infact the boy who was raised by them said that where they come from "they are all beasts. Nothing more. They live for hate." It's fucking bullshit. The vikings call the native americans "animals" and when the kid speaks icelandic they're like "so you DO speak like a human". The action scenes suck. No good FIGHTS. the vikings go into a village and kill every single person, to the point where they chase the single survivors all around the woods like idiots. Its like they are orcs chasing the prized hobbits for Isengard. Mindless and stupid. THey are easily tricked, also, and portrayed as big, slow idiots. The truth is the vikings prized cunning over strength, and any Asatru, or person who knows a thing about the Norsemen, would know that. And worst of all, it shows them killing their own comrades. Twice. Once because a general is angry, he beats one of his soldiers to death, and then at the end the leader kills his second in command so that he can take the guys knife and use it as a pick to climb a cliff. How very unheathen and how very unviking.

THe Movie sucked. I'm pissed. You all should be -_-.

Thank you Ragnaroksprophet.. now that i am really pissed at the makers of this movie i wont waist my time or money on this POS .... norsemen.. stupid??? these idiots should be shot.... the christians didnt fight the war against our people like cowards because we are supposedly dumb and barbaric.... damn i hate stupidity and ignorance:heh:
I bought it and I haven't had time to watch it :lol:

Give me another week though, I have an oral presentation at the end of this week (on the Diary of Goebbels).
By the Way .... Amon Amarth's DVD Wrath of the Norsemen is awesome as hell!!!! anyone who hasn't seen it yet needs to buy it

Just bought mine yesterday after hunting high and low for it. Spent close to an hour in traffic driving to BestBuy, and then driving home. My girlfriend walks out, asks how come I'm late getting home, then looks at the tv screen and goes "Oh, THAT'S why." LOL. She can only watch a few minutes of it though, because after having had neck surgery, her neck starts hurting from watching the band headbang.All I can say about the DVD is it's fucking awesome!!! :rock:
Oh, and as far as Pathfinder, All you had to do was see the commercials, and that should have been enough to warn you major suck-age was ahead.
The lone viking is George Bush fighting off the evil Iranians, we all know that's what the movie was meant to portrait. No, no no my friends we are not duped by your feeble attempt at historical viking representation.

Btw, Erik the Viking is now out on dvd, better buy this classical piece of heathendom.

hey man, i know you were being sarcastic and i respect you but honestly, this movie is more about the nasty europeans against the nice aboriginals then anything else!
You know, as a belgian haven't you been taught the nasty history of the belgian parachustists in congo? european people are mean! Thats what this movie is about! probably directed and written by some good old ethnomasochists!
Just bought mine yesterday after hunting high and low for it. Spent close to an hour in traffic driving to BestBuy, and then driving home. My girlfriend walks out, asks how come I'm late getting home, then looks at the tv screen and goes "Oh, THAT'S why." LOL. She can only watch a few minutes of it though, because after having had neck surgery, her neck starts hurting from watching the band headbang.All I can say about the DVD is it's fucking awesome!!! :rock:
Oh, and as far as Pathfinder, All you had to do was see the commercials, and that should have been enough to warn you major suck-age was ahead.

I agree on both :heh: