So, since I had the Hellspawn on the computer typing about all of his skating moves

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
... and my mother doesn't want him getting into all of the same "garbage" as I am, I am now limited to 2 times on the Internet a day. Because I'm a horrible, horrible person and I tie up the phoneline all day, being on the Internet every minute of the day when I could be doing more useful things, like household chores, and I shouldn't be talking to a bunch of complete strangers who have now become my "role models" because all I do is cuss. And she doesn't believe that I don't talk to a bunch of disgusting internet perverts, and...
My mother is the most self-righteous, narrow-minded, judgemental person I have ever had the pleasure of putting up with.
That is all.
The most recent pictures I have are the ones from before I left for Homecoming... which equals Darkspot in a dress, make-up and panty-hose (or maybe I shouldn't have said that :erk: ). If someone would be kind enough to give the Internet-retard here instructions on how to post those pics here once I scan them (provided I find them again)... or, actually, I think I have them in a copy of an e-mail I sent, whichever... then you could see them. I think...
Thanks. That'd be cool... once I find them.

I seriously have to figure out the whole posting-pictures-on-the-Internet deal though, because I want to put a pic of me with my new drum set in my sig, as soon as I get someone to take one... and then wait a month for my bitchy mother to drop the pictures off at Wal-Mart... and then wait a week for her to go back and pick them up. So I think that would be enough time for me to learn :grin:
I restate... I have to fidn the pics again, first.
In my house, after all of the time and initiative it takes to actually get a roll of pictures back, they disappear into some mysterious abyss after about a week.
yeah, one day I should get off my lazy ass and get a good picture of myself with my new guitar as well. Its just that it involves taking a roll of film, taking the pictures, going down to the finishers getting it developed, scanning them..... eeehhh too much effort. I wish my digicam wasn't broken :erk: