So the new Candlelight reissues...

oh and on the dvd, if it's not road runner how could they include the GR songs hmmm? ;)

it's possible that roadrunner bought a license fee for the dvd but not the cd's themself.
Well the label isn't Roadrunner... and Candlelight is making reissues... I'd almost have to assume that the DVD is being handled by Candlelight, or some subsidiary of that label / organization... To be frank, that is very strange... A high-definition concert, which in itself is pretty awesome.. Opeth in HD,that's almost better than real life. But to not be released by the large Roadrunner, that seems a bit strange... This will affect the distribution, the packaging, and possibly more... It's too bad we can't get some answers but this is really an intriguing situation, at least as far as I know. :eek:

I was hoping the next DVD wouldn't be a digipack... The first is the only Concert-DVD I have that is in a digipack!

U R FUCKIN KIDDIN ME...!!!!....OMG....seroisouly...dude....i jsut got a HD 40 inch TV.....this is so gonna fuckin rock...nov 20...cant wait....also will it be HD dvd right...??...not blue ray...either way...ill jsut buy that player...coz man...this is aweosme.....I dont know if all of you are familiar with HD stuff.....its insanly clear looking.....ive seen score ....the DT live concert in HD...adn it was orgasmic...with Opeth sure to have an anotehr news......thanx for the info....PEAC EOUT