Nuno Filipe
You talkin' to me?
It may help if you take into account when it was written. Slaughter of the Soul was so fresh sounding at the time. It still is, but not to the same extent. You had heard nothing like it before, whereas you have 20 years of imitation since then, which desensitizes you a bit. That record sat at the top of Rasputin's music charts for what seemed like years...
I had in mind the time it was done, but still... Months ago for the first time, I had the curiosity to hear the jester race album of in flames. and for the time man, that was something new and fresh, and I am not even a in flames fan but for todays standards, it´s just one more melodeath album.
1995 was when also came, the gallery from Dark Traquinlity and it shows much more dynamic, diversity and musicality and still today doesnt sound like the regular melodeath album that is being copied by everyone else.
Once again Slaughter to the soul is a good album but I cant see it so great as people like to paint it but then again it´s a matter of taste, I think.