So, there will be a tour for south america?

Mikael said once in an interview (for Watershed) that they hope to finally tour South America, like, it is obviously in their plans to come here. But i also remember him saying that it was very frustrating because of bad promoters trying to rip them off (and here in Argentina there is plenty of those, sadly) and also beacause they have to ship their gear by boat or something like that but... Rent gear here, c´mon! hehe i hope someone profesional take care of bringing this band with the right conditions... soon!
Hasufell despues pasame tu mail por privado asi nos contactamos.

Good day to all & un abrazo hermanos!
if you have that interview I would love to read it, seriously!
I hope they come here in april, january or whenever!!!
Un argentino por aca tambien!!!

I want them to come, i hope they wiil, they told us that they will come for the next cd.... this one so....

I need to see opeth before i die....
It's good to show them that we actually exist, that there are fans of them in this continen.
We have to show the same thing to promoters.
Brazil here. Five times soccer world champion, by the way... :eek:)
It´s been just announced that Wacken will have a brazilian version next year. Can´t believe it?
Click here!
Sooooooooo... this would be a perfect reason for a South American tour.
I hope all other scandinavian bands come too.
Esa es la santisima trinidad o mas bien la malefica trinidad jeje.
The "south american promoters are shit-statement" is, i think, somewhere in the biography section in the opeth official site. Mikael has referred to opeth possibily coming here a few times, i dont remember the exact interviews...
Someone said before (and i agree 100%) that promoters should aknowledge the great and ever growing fan base that Opeth have all over South America. But promoters here are so fucking unprofessional and so far away from knowing anything about the actual music bussines (instead of how to rip off bands and public) that i think the iniciative will have to come from the band first...