So, they're restarting the Mortal Kombat franchise this april...


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany

that's it.

oh btw: they're making a digital series based on the released short movie from 2010. Check out the link. if it's going to be as gritty and dark as the trailer it's gonna be awesome.

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The new game is gonna be the shit. The fatalities are gonna be super-brutal and the new bone-breaker mode (or whatever they are calling it) looks equally as amazing. Too bad some of the fatalities are retalier pre-order exclusive.

I personally am chomping at the bit to pick up my Collector's Edition of Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Love me some MK but MVC3 is just the ultimate combo-fest.
I hope they get around to making that movie, would probably be a zillion times better than the old ones which were cheesy as fuck.
can't wait for this but i know it will be banned or
completely cut here is fucked old germany,
so where to get the UNCUT?

i used to order uncut games from
shit is not working anymore as the dealers are
not allowed any longer to ship stuff like that to germany :/
Ah yeah, that's really lame that they censor games for some countries these days.
can't wait for this but i know it will be banned or
completely cut here is fucked old germany,
so where to get the UNCUT?

i used to order uncut games from
shit is not working anymore as the dealers are
not allowed any longer to ship stuff like that to germany :/

österreich! sollte eigentlich kein problem darstellen, hat es bisher zumindest nicht.
österreich! sollte eigentlich kein problem darstellen, hat es bisher zumindest nicht.

jo, aber da bezahlt man teilweise das doppelte 80€ fürn game ist echt happig.
bei uns aufm flohmarkt gibt es nen typen der manchmal US importe verkauft,
is aber eher selten das der was da hat :bah:
Ah yeah, that's really lame that they censor games for some countries these days.

+1 They apparently butchered Left For Dead 2 for Australia. They don't even allow dead bodies to stay on the ground. The dead zombies start fading away as they are falling, before they even make it to the ground.

As for the new Mortal Kombat stuff. I loved the earlier games when they were 2D, so im glad they are going back to that, and bringing back the brutal fatalities, but im curious if there is really much more they can do with the franchise that will make this one worth while.

I am totally stoked for the digital series as it is based off the trailer, with the same director and at least the actors playing jax and scorpion reprising their roles. Really wish they would have went for a movie as opposed to an online series, but ill take what i can get for now. They didnt rule out doing the movie in the future though.
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I don't know about a show I haven't heard anything. About the game it's going to really have to up the standards and quality because I haven't really enjoyed a MK game since MK 2 came out in the arcades.
Where did you guys hear that that teaser is actually being made into a movie? I've heard nothing since that trailer dropped in like June last year. I know that teaser was made to try and sell the reboot idea to major studios , but I haven't heard that any were interested yet. Maybe they are waiting to see how the new MK game fares
Warner confirmed the web series is green lighted. You can find the press release on google or at any MK site. Its set for 10 web episodes, and the director has said depending on well they do he'd like to use this as a spring board to do a full-length film.

Here's some vids of a few fatalities they've shown
Scorpion: [ame][/ame]
Sub-Zero: [ame][/ame]
Mileena: [ame][/ame]
It looks like the same old shit we've been seeing from MK for years. As soon as next gen consoles were available, MK sucked. The last good MK game was MKIII on the SNES.