So Today i get home...


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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anid in the mail i find someone has mailed me Devin Townsends Terria and the Missus went out to day and bought me Rock Star on DVD..all this and it aint nowhere near me birthday, geez i feel special :grin:

sorry i had to bore you lot with that but i felt good about it so :p
Hey Koichi, is your avatar supposed to be that kid from Passions who lisps all the time, or the kid from American Gothic with that mad sister who kept saying "someone's at the door"?

AG wasn't too bad, in an X-Files meets Twin Peaks kind of way. Just wish I'd watched more of it :).

TIMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a little CHAMP!

Gotta love Passions... hooray it's on in 10 minutes too! Better hurry up reading this board!