Ok, so what should I get next?

The Wickerman

Where's the Beef?
May 12, 2003
Austin, TX
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I just recently bought "Terria", my first Devin CD, and after only about a week, I'm already hopelessly addicted to it. However, I must have more Devin. So, what should I buy next? I was thinking "Accelerated Evolution". Is this a good choice, or is there another one I should get first?
Rex said:
get "Accelerated Evolution", its easily my favorite by Devy with Terria in a close second. The others are good, but they seem to missing something that Terria and AE have and i cant quite put my finger on it yet.

AE and TERRIA have been written in a peacuful era...all the other records were born in pain...
yeah, maybe thats its. Ocean Machine is killer, but I think I got used to the production being awesomely perfect on AE and Terria and when I first hear Ocean Machine and it wasn't quite as sharp...... I could hear little things that i wished were a bit clearer or wished that the vocals were a bit louder in the mix in some songs like on Terria and AE. But you cant really go wrong with any of it.

I must say though that "Planet Rain" of of Physicist is AWESOME! If only the rest of the album was as good. There are a handful of great songs on that album but then there are some clunkers in the middle of the record that bring it down. But to say it one more time Planet Rain is KILLER.
I'm agree with you...
Physicist is a good record but I don't like the middle of this album
too basic...with only songs like "namaste" "jupiter "kingdom" and "planet rain" it would have been a kick ass record
