so umm yeah there was totally a murder on my street last night

I live in Michigan, and a friend from my old work place used to live in downtown Detroit. A sixteen year old kid was shot and killed outside of his apartment building once.
A friend I had in college has a father who is a coroner. That creepy dumbass would go to the morgue with his father, hide in an office steal some of the pictures from the dead, scan them and send them to us. Once he sent this picture of a surgeon's assistant holding a head (yes just the head) and she had that big happy smile on her face... creeeeepy.
He is a friend of Mindspell. Mindspell is French. Therefore, his friends are weird.
when i went to Quebec for a school trip in high school i found the french canadian population to be very nice overall.

our tour guide hinted at his involvement with revolutionary seperatist groups trying to get quebec seceded from canada.

however, there was the creepy grizzled french canadian forest man who attempted to rip out my intestines while taking a picture with me. i should find the pic and scan it as it is very funny.