so wait


Sep 12, 2002
according to josh's statistics and my own calculations, this board isn't nearly as tall-centric as most other internet messageboards.

i would go so far as to guess the mean height around here is 5'7?

some may say it shouldn't matter, but that is wrong. i feel very uncomfortable posting around people over 5'10".
Also if it's any help, I don't seem as tall as I really am unless you are standing right next to me. I must be really well proportioned because the vast majority of people who meet me guess that I am maybe 6'2 or 6'3 until they stand right next to me. So it's all a matter of perspective.
Originally posted by The Dope
guess that I am maybe 6'2 or 6'3 until they stand right next to me. So it's all a matter of perspective.

interesting. how far away are they when they make this assumption?

i can't picture life at 6'7" being any easier than life at 5'4", and actually, way more difficult. do you have trouble getting comfortable in most cars?
Most people assume that from as close as maybe 5 feet. I don't usually stand up straight though, so it's hard to gauge I guess.

As for coping in real life, the problem is usually finding pants that fit me. I'm a 34 W 36 L which is hard to find anywhere. And beds and showers suck, but most cars are ok as long as I can slide the seat all the way back and don't have to ride for too long.
The worst thing is probably the fact that every single person in the world who wants to come up with some sort of conversation starter uses the exact same line: "So do you play basketball?" More often than not it's the first thing people say when they meet me for the first time and have nothing interesting to say. The sad thing is I think they probably think they are being original.