So, we lost in the Battle of the Bands tonight

Nooo! :(
Whoever did the judging must have chugged one too many..

But hell, I think opening for that guy's band would be a good idea :>
it sucked. the music sucked, my amp sucked...

but our set rocked. It was funny, during every bands set they had one friend that was there to see them that would come up and head bang for them... just one.... our set was the only one that had a fan made sign, people actually cheering and getting into the music, multiple people showing excitement.... seriously, i heard cheering while we were playing, when Bill played Will's guitar, there was a complete uproar... is total bullshit, now that we are out of that piece of shit contest, we can move on to more important things, like US TOURS. Recording new material, and not having to worry about selling bullshit tickets.
exactly... sure, it seemed like we sucked from the stage... but, we actually sounded awesome. once again, we could barely hear you, but we can blame that on the fact that we had to set our own volumes. i HATE shows like that, which is why I stopped trying to rent VFWs, firehalls, and rec centers.

also, I heard people fuckin screaming during solos, parts where everyone played on their own, band introduction, people laughing at my corny jokes. we totally had the stage presence and drive... i mean SHIT! i almost fucking died in the middle of A Painting of Winter's Darkness! It felt like I got stabbed in the lung during a prolonged high-pitch growl.... but I kept playing. bah! fuck emo and the music scene in the USA. bring on the fuckin tours
Will Bozarth said:
It felt like I got stabbed in the lung during a prolonged high-pitch growl....

I saw you grab your chest during the song, I thought you stabbed yourself with your beast.

And dude, I was amp shopping today at guitar center, ill talk to you later about it.
My band played with Will Bozarth's band in March and was beat by them, that chick band & a different gay emo band. Battle of the Bands never make sense. Music is so subjective so theres always alot of bias (often against metal).

Maybe they didnt like us cause our guitarist walked around on the bar & nearly hit someone wit his guitar.