So what are you thoughts on the new Summoning?


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
I got it this weekend, and because it's my very first Summoning album I need some adaptation to fully enjoy it, but I still think it's pretty great. Track 3 really got my attention with the weird language.

edit: lol, one day I will write a title with no spelling mistakes, I promise.
What can I say, this album is absolutely majestic! I'm not the biggest Summoning fan out there but there's something about this album that keep fascinating me. As far as I'm concerned, it's a step ahead their "Stronghold" album. Seriously, it's all good.
I absolutely adore it! I think it is easily on par with "Let Mortal Heroes..." and "Stronghold", but "Dol Guldur" and "Nightshade Forests" still rule supreme...
Crimson Velvet said:
I absolutely adore it! I think it is easily on par with "Let Mortal Heroes..." and "Stronghold", but "Dol Guldur" and "Nightshade Forests" still rule supreme...


EDIT: Wait, it's on par with Heroes but not as good as Stronghold.

That said, contender for best song of the year: "Land of the Dead".
I liked this when I first heard it, but must have forgotten about it recently. Will listen again soon! I remember I didn't think it was as good as Stronghold, however.