So what are your plans for 6/6/6 ?

Good idea, I haven't poked smot in about a year, I guess I'll do it for MY UNQUESTIONED LORD AND MASTER SATAN HIMSELF.
Hey, speaking of, where did the idea that "666" was "the number of the beast" and that the "beast" was "satan". I sincerely don't remember anything about "666" being anywhere in the Bible but maybe Revelation, which is such a load of shit anyway. Anyone know?
wikiRULEdia said:
* Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13:16-18 states:

"Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom: let anyone with the understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person. Its number is six hundred and sixty-six."
Oh yeah, I figured it was in Revelation. When I was reading the Bible, at some point I got around to reading that book (I didn't read it in order) and I laughed aloud.
664 the bloke next door


going to get my car fixed during the day and at night have a fundraising event for a documentary about immigrants ... any of you care to donate? :loco:
Dead_Lioness said:
someone on the nevermore board said something about having sex in a church
I'm totally up for that.

where do i sign up? :loco:

edited to include care-crew-friendly disclaimer:
I sincerely hope this post does not offend you in any way. It was a joke, and I don't actually want to have sex with you in a church. I fucking hate churches.
Dead_Lioness said:
someone on the nevermore board said something about having sex in a church
I'm totally up for that.

I don't think it's very nice of you to even post stuff like that here :goggly:
@Karen: You should totally toke up with me/us if you're in Nes Zionna on 06/06/06. I believe it will happen at 06:06am just like the son of the morning requested himself!

Iris Hill is the undisclosed location, didn't they destroy it?