So what cool shirts did you spot at the fest?


Sep 8, 2003
Not, new shirts for sale, but shirts worn by fans that you didn't expect to see, rare, old, etc.

I saw a dude wearing a Tankard - Beast of Bourbon shirt, and someone wearing a Demilich shirt. Those two dudes get a :kickass:
I'd guess my collection of golf shirts were unexpected :) it hink Urban really wanted to wear one of them, but Chris forced the Giants jersey on him instead...

One shirt that caught my eye was a Cirith Ungol shirt, with the cover art for "Stormbringer" on the front. Weird sight, since I have the artists' proof of that same book-cover hanging in my living room.

Palabra de Dios' Lykanthea Inflames t-shirt was probably the kvltest one there. (I'm sure I'm spelling it wrong, too.)
Well, I saw a couple of old forgotten gems among the crowd. One being a Babylon A.D. shirt and another being a Kiss - Asylum shirt. Horns up to both of those guys for pulling out the forgotten ghosts!
scottie2024 said:
A whole stinkin' lot of people always seem to notice my PoS - Remedy Lane tour shirt each year. Is this one rare or something? (I've wondered that for 5 years now...)

All PoS shirts from pre-2004 are not in production anymore.

-I don't think my plain white Tshirt on friday impressed anybody :) But I got a couple of nods about my Alex Skolnick Trio shirt Saturday.

I was EXTREMELY jealous of the guy in the Demilich shirt. It just reminds me that I'll never get to see them. Grrrrr.

Other than Demilich, I didn't notice any super-extreme metal shirts. In 2004 there was Emperor, Satyricon, Mayhem, etc. This year I didn't see anything like that. I did think the Alice Cooper shirt guy was cool since I've been on a Cooper trip lately. (Listened to him on the way home from the show)

Also saw a guy in an At the Gates Terminal Spirit Disease shirt - first time I've ever seen an ATG shirt that wasn't the [overrated] Slaughter of the Soul.
Mary got some compliments on her Crack The Sky shirt, including a guy who came all the way up from the floor to comment on her excellent taste in music.

I didn't see the Skolnik Trio shirt, but that gets approval from me.

My favorite shirt of the weekend was the one that said "Fuck You You Fucking Fuck". I need that for trips to the grocery store...

Meteornotes said:
Mary got some compliments on her Crack The Sky shirt, including a guy who came all the way up from the floor to comment on her excellent taste in music.

Add a compliment from me, 'cause I saw that shirt and meant to say something about it. Excellent. Years ago, they were the 'secret password' band for me and Willard, one of Atlanta's legendary deejays, since we were both fans of CtS...and seemingly no-one else was. :kickass:

As for extreme shirts, I saw Satyricon and Mayhem shirts (the latter being modeled by Mosquito and badly coveted by my friend Ripper).

Not all that extreme, but I wore a CoF shirt on Thursday, a Behemoth shirt on Saturday and a Dimmu shirt on Sunday, as promised.

No leather or PVC for me, though, since the weather was much warmer than forecasted. (Their excuse: "Dry air cools down quicker, but also warms up faster." Golly. Was this discovered this year or something? :erk: )