So, what did you think of PP Europe 2007?

I had a great time this year! It was awesome to come back and meet so many people from last year! My favorite bands this year was Ocean of Sadness:rock:, Nahema and John Olivia's Pain.

Not much can hold me back from coming next year so see you then!

-- Gustav, Sweden

Ps. All your perfect beans belong to me!
As I stated in the newsletter we (Picture of the Moon) have sent out:

We had a blast playing at ProgPower last weekend and had a lot of fun on and off stage! :) We want to thank the ProgPower organization for the excellent care. If there is one festival worth going in the Netherlands it is this one. Next year will be the 10th anniversary and that edition will be very special, they promised us.

And I mean it, there is none like this one.
What a great festival! Congrats to the organization team! :D I think Nahema was the biggest surprise for me, Jon Oliva is as entertaining as he is talented and my only regret is that I was too busy enjoying the festival to take photos of it :blush: Thanks in advance to those of you who did!

As usual, I had a great time in Baarlo :)

My favourites: Oceans of Sadness, Nahemah, Alchemist, JOP

Had lots of fun, saw several great gigs. In particular Alchemist, Sieges Even and Jon Oliva's Pain really rocked like hell.
I ran into a friend whom I hadn't seen in a few years, also ran into some current and former co-editors of our silly webzine and it was great to hang out with those crazy Swedes. :kickass:
I didn't shoot that many pics but in case anyone's interested click HERE

Ha ha, nice pics... :)
It was great hanging out with you, hope we'll meet again next year.
