So what do you guys think about this Timo Tolkki business?

Oct 7, 2002
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Apparently Tolkki found out that the new Stratovarius album has been leaked and posted this on the Strato forum:

I won't comment much myself, since I'm not really a Strato fan, but I do think Tolkki's attitude is disturbing. The message he posted and the tone he uses is uncalled for imo, and while I can understand why he's pissed I think he should really cool down as leaked albums is something *every* band faces now. Besides, why is this any worse than it getting on the net after the release? Or why doesn't he get upset over the other albums being available there?
That said, there's some stuff going on over this as well over at Check here:
(Just try to ignore the crap about Symphony X in the editorial below it :rolleyes: ) The reason I post this also is because Timo Tolkki apparently posted on the forum there and expanded the discussion there. Check it out:

Any thoughts?
A big pile of crap, his attitude is fucking pathetic. The guy should cool down a little, and think a little before making all those moves. If they are going to hunt down the people that downloaded the whole album without buying it that's good, but they should at least give away some mp3's to the fans so they can judge the record before buying (sound clips are worthless)

Anyway i'm not a fan myself, so I don't really care.
His whole purpose here seems to be a scare tactic that backfired. If he is taking legal action against the "perps", fine, that is his right by copyright laws I guess, but I think it is silly the way he posted it on the internet and bashed on fans that downloaded the stuff. I don't really care because I have never been a big Strato fan anyways. I was more disturbed by the SyX being boring comment...and Stratovarius is exciting in comparison!??? Someone's hearing needs to be checked.
Tolkki has every right to be angry and bewildered at how futile attempts to stop illegal downloading have been, but threatening to prosecute your own fans is an act of desperation. The real message of this is be careful whom you entrust with advance copies.
that seems to be the line that gets used when they or Dream Theater or any other prog band gets criticized for boring people.

Oh man you're sooooo metal, common' give me a hug:rolleyes:

btw, timmo really needs some fucking pills :eek:

Record sales have dropped globally over 25% last year

Maybe because most of the mainstream music nowadays (especially US) is a big pile of crap?:rolleyes: Timmo is really missing the big picture here.
Stratovarius is one of the most generic, boring and annoying bands in metal.

Has anyone heard Timo Tolkki's solo album "Hymn To Life"? Good God, now that is musical comedy!
I do not give any damn about Stratovarius either anymore, and I'm also not really amused by the fact that Symphony X are supporting them on tour.

Mr. Tolkki's attitude is not really cool. I understand his reasons,and I'd be mad too, but threatening his own fans to prosecute them, if...
Well, he should do whatever he wants.

Most disturbing for me was this:

"And yes, you CAN hear the cds before buying them either in the store or on our official homepage.
I rest my case, if you insist on that you DO have the right to download my work without paying for the downloading, then I do not want you as a fan."

"...then I do not want you as a fan". Right! And WHO, I ask, made him the big "T"?

Lots of bands, big or not, offer their stuff for free, on, for example.

Seems, that Mr. Tolkki doesn't mind a few extra bucks...
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
Stratovarius is one of the most generic, boring and annoying bands in metal.

Has anyone heard Timo Tolkki's solo album "Hymn To Life"? Good God, now that is musical comedy!

Agree, and agree!

And LOL@ Azal's comments, that shits too funny!

Timmo is about as intimidating with his comments as an ant in my way on the sidewalk.
Originally posted by DrumRman
Agree, and agree!

And LOL@ Azal's comments, that shits too funny!

Timmo is about as intimidating with his comments as an ant in my way on the sidewalk.

We better watch what we say before someone accuses us of being anti-power metal. :rolleyes: :lol:
Originally posted by ProgMetalFan
We better watch what we say before someone accuses us of being anti-power metal.
We should also watch what we say about Mr. Tolkki here at this forum.... I don't want Symphony X kicked off the Stratovarius tour because Mr. Tolkki is pissed. :lol:

Originally posted by azal
oh yeah...I deleted it off my hard drive after 2 days.
Well, in 2001 I have given away all albums I had by Stratovarius. For free... :p
Then I am thinking they are in for a long court case if they are going to hunt down and sue every person that downloaded the album. Actually I think they wouldnt have the money to do that if the album went platinum a million times.

He should look to the distro and record label that gave out the album early, like about a 100,000 other bands that have the same issue. They is really nothing they can do to stop it other than NO ADVANCE COPIES TO ANYONE


BTW I haven't likes Stratovarius since I got that godawful DVD of them, yuck!! one word BORING
It is impossible to load a virus into an mp3 from everything I read. So he is talking out his rather rotund ass.
