So, who else thought Suspyre rocked?


Oct 8, 2007
I know I was already a fan going into Suspyre's set Thursday, but that was one of my favorite performances at ProgPower in the five years I have been coming.

They received an awesome reception and hopefully picked up a lot of new fans after that set.

Also, still hoarse from singing during their set. Damn.
I also think so.
I loved them, and now I do more. I bought their T-shirt and I have pictures with all its members.
Wow! I'm in the minority here. I love this band on a studio album standpoint, but I don't know what it was but I was thoroughly bored during their set. I think it's because I just didn't think they had much of a stage presence and found the singer's antics on stage obnoxious.
Wow! I'm in the minority here. I love this band on a studio album standpoint, but I don't know what it was but I was thoroughly bored during their set. I think it's because I just didn't think they had much of a stage presence and found the singer's antics on stage obnoxious.

Wanting a band to play the kind of music that Suspyre plays WHILE running around, dancing and headbanging is expecting quite a bit. Most bands that play really involved music don't move very much. Take a look at Dream Theater or Symphony X. I've seen both a few times and they don't really do much of anything on stage... except play the hell out of their instruments. I think it's just the nature of the beast.

Besides, they looked really young. I mean, the guitar player looked like he was 18. I was playing nothing but power chords at his age.

Personally, I was throughly impressed with their show. Hats off, fellas. Keep up the good work!
Wanting a band to play the kind of music that Suspyre plays WHILE running around, dancing and headbanging is expecting quite a bit. Most bands that play really involved music don't move very much. Take a look at Dream Theater or Symphony X. I've seen both a few times and they don't really do much of anything on stage... except play the hell out of their instruments. I think it's just the nature of the beast.

Besides, they looked really young. I mean, the guitar player looked like he was 18. I was playing nothing but power chords at his age.

Personally, I was throughly impressed with their show. Hats off, fellas. Keep up the good work!

I cannot agree about Symphony X. I've seen them 4 times now and all of the shows have been a lot of fun. The band (particularly Russell and Mike Romeo) interact a lot with eachother and the audience.
Wanting a band to play the kind of music that Suspyre plays WHILE running around, dancing and headbanging is expecting quite a bit. Most bands that play really involved music don't move very much. Take a look at Dream Theater or Symphony X. I've seen both a few times and they don't really do much of anything on stage... except play the hell out of their instruments. I think it's just the nature of the beast.

Agreed! I actually meant that I think they should've stayed more low key. I think the vocalist did too much running around and tried headbanging with the other band members during extended instrumental segments to the point where it got old real quick. This is what I meant about annoying. I would've actually preferred him to just sort of walk back a bit and let the band do their thing or do what Nils did in Pagan's Mind and leave stage until it's about for him to come back.

Like you said though, the fact that they are young might have something to do with it. Despite the mature music they play, performance wise they probably still have some maturing to do.

Regardless though, I do still think they're a great band. I just don't know if I'd really want to see them in a live situation again.
Agreed! I actually meant that I think they should've stayed more low key. I think the vocalist did too much running around and tried headbanging with the other band members during extended instrumental segments to the point where it got old real quick. This is what I meant about annoying. I would've actually preferred him to just sort of walk back a bit and let the band do their thing or do what Nils did in Pagan's Mind and leave stage until it's about for him to come back.

Like you said though, the fact that they are young might have something to do with it. Despite the mature music they play, performance wise they probably still have some maturing to do.

Regardless though, I do still think they're a great band. I just don't know if I'd really want to see them in a live situation again.

Yeah, I guess I can see what you're saying. Regardless, I'm looking forward to what this band can do as they mature. I'll definitely check them out the next time I get a chance.
Wow! I'm in the minority here. I love this band on a studio album standpoint, but I don't know what it was but I was thoroughly bored during their set. I think it's because I just didn't think they had much of a stage presence and found the singer's antics on stage obnoxious.

You beat me to it. I adore When Time Fades, and was very excited to see Suspyre live. Unfortunately they just didn't seem ready for "prime time", so to speak. They all looked like they just got off work on casual Friday (seriously, there's no excuse for wearing a freaking polo shirt on stage, especially in a metal band), and aside from the singer it was a charisma-free performance. Compare their stage presence to Cage, Primal Fear, even Enchant and you see a stark difference.

Musically, there were times it sounded like they were all playing different songs at once. They finally started sounding good on the last two songs, but the rest of their set was a disappointment.

Again, loved the last album and they seem like good guys, but I was not impressed.
They were awesome... although I think they were better at Chicago Powerfest. They didn't seem to have as much stage presence this time around. Maybe because Greg cut his hair? :lol:
They were awesome... although I think they were better at Chicago Powerfest. They didn't seem to have as much stage presence this time around. Maybe because Greg cut his hair? :lol:

Out of curiosity, what year did they play Powerfest? I don't remember them being on it.
2007 at the Pearl Room. One of the best lineups they ever had.

They all looked like they just got off work on casual Friday (seriously, there's no excuse for wearing a freaking polo shirt on stage, especially in a metal band)
You know, maybe it's because I'm one of those guys that doesn't feel like dressing in all black is something necessary, but I've always thought this to be such a weird complaint about a band. I probably would have cringed if Suspyre overdid it on the wardrobe and came out wearing leather on every inch of their skin.
You know, maybe it's because I'm one of those guys that doesn't feel like dressing in all black is something necessary, but I've always thought this to be such a weird complaint about a band. I probably would have cringed if Suspyre overdid it on the wardrobe and came out wearing leather on every inch of their skin.

Totally agree. I couldn't care less what they're's all about the music. And I think it's a *bonus* when they're really putting on a good "show" (ie. visibly getting into it, interacting, etc), but for me it's all about the performance, musicianship, etc.

I think my perspective is typical of the prog-metal fans, whereas the power metal fans are more focused on "stage presence" and "energy" versus how well they actually played.

I think Suspyre didn't play the best show of their career, but they weren't that horrible. Sure, they need to learn a lot about stage presence in my opinion. Clay had the best performance, but yes, at times he did try a bit too hard.

At times, I thought the band was a bit off. At other times, I thought the band was good.

As far as their choice of clothes, I didn't think it was anything outrageous. I think it's pretty stupid for one to say "Metal bands HAVE TO to wear black, period." Sure, maybe if you're a true metalhead stuck in the eighties...

Their clothes don't play the fucking music. Don't be complaining about stupid stuff like that.
You beat me to it. I adore When Time Fades, and was very excited to see Suspyre live. Unfortunately they just didn't seem ready for "prime time", so to speak. They all looked like they just got off work on casual Friday (seriously, there's no excuse for wearing a freaking polo shirt on stage, especially in a metal band), and aside from the singer it was a charisma-free performance. Compare their stage presence to Cage, Primal Fear, even Enchant and you see a stark difference.

Eh, I thought Cage looked pretty silly with the whole "dipping teapot" thing that they were doing. I'm not really that big on stage presence as long as the music is good.

I thought they sounded a little off on the first song, especially the keyboards. It probably wasn't one of their better performances, but I thought Clay Barton was on vocally.
Could not get into them at all, they sound so.....well bland, and also I have to agree with some of the others, like they were playing different songs. I wasn't impressed at all.