So, who else thought Suspyre rocked?

Could not get into them at all, they sound so.....well bland, and also I have to agree with some of the others, like they were playing different songs. I wasn't impressed at all.

Bland? I don't know who you guys were watching, but "bland" would be one of the last words on my list to describe their music.

I'll give it to you, they may not have executed all their music perfectly (which is very high level music, by the way), but they nailed most of it.

I respect a difference in taste - you don't have to like them - but to say they're bland is stretching it.

And, speaking of stretching it... clothing? I've always been proud to be a fan of this genre because people loved the music. I'm a bit disappointed in the fan base if we're starting to critique onstage attire. That's pop music BS. As long as a band comes out and plays well, they could be wearing aluminum foil for all I care.
2007 at the Pearl Room. One of the best lineups they ever had.


Man, Saturnus and Solitude as well? That's a year I missed and now sorely regret it. Grrrrrr.
BTW, this was something like their 3rd gig with that drummer and bassist, and one of the guitarists recently switched to guitar once they found a regular bassist.

Yes, you are correct in that Gabe just joined them on drums back in the late spring and very recently Sam moved from photographer to bassist while Andrew moved from bass to guitar. I had no idea that Andrew even played guitar, much less at the level necessary for that band. April (on keys) is a relatively new member as well, but considering she was with them when we played a couple of shows with them last August, I can't call her "new" anymore.

I have seen some of their music written out and its definitely not Breaking the Law! lol!! Actually, the song they opened up with, "The Singer" is quite complex.

I think they did a great job. I have done enough shows with these guys to recognize the maturity that they have demonstrated in their shows over time. As they play more shows together and the current lineup gets used to each other (best lineup so far, IMHO), they will get more comfortable and naturally I think their showmanship will improve with time. They are a young band who just experienced close to a 50% shakeup in the lineup in recent months and worked hard to make sure they had something to show at ProgPower! I can tell you that they have not been sitting still!

With what appears to be a stable lineup, I believe that these guys, with time, will be a band to watch out for. They have serious chops. They will get tighter, more comfortable with each other, and be able to communicate with the crowd as a whole even better. They are also very nice people and I sincerely hope things work out for them!
I enjoyed their set a lot actually. And given the apparent shift of personnel within the band to new duties, etc. then it's even more impressive that they were even able to pull this off. Hope to see them again!
I had not been exposed to Suspyre until ProgPower. I was thinking they would be just another blah knock off of Dream Theater or one of those 2nd rate ProgMetal bands that pop up all of the time. The show didn't overly excite me, but I was compelled to buy one of their CD's and I will say that they are not bad at all! I will definitely give them another shot in the future