So, who has that bloody DVD ??

than you buy it twice :grin:
I did it with a couple of re-released bonust-tracked (etc.) cd-s already...

((here I would like to thank the lllovely companies who are smart enough to know I will spend again for something I already have :bah: ))
No worries mate.... sorted, luvvely jubbely ;)

holy handbags anathemoans! looky what showed up in my spam folder from grau mailordreren gmbh

205275 ANATHEMA - Were you there? DVD 24,00 Januar
Fantastische Bild- und Tonqualität!

go mental funboys! :Spin:
In fact, Huns are not Magyars, I just learned it from the tv the other day. Which means they've got themselves acknowledged as a minority group in Hungary.

But now I don't know if I'm Hun or Magyar. Funny. It's important to know cause if I'm minority, I can ask for government and EU money :Spin:
Did any of you see this?

"Britain's ANATHEMA have issued the following message regarding their recently released DVD, "Were You There?":

"We have had some emails from people saying that they haven't received the booklet with their DVD.

"First, we'd like to apologise for this although, as you are aware, this is not our fault.
We are looking into the situation and doing our best to ensure that the problem will be solved. In the meantime, we advise anyone who has bought the DVD without the booklet to KEEP YOUR RECEIPT/PROOF OF PURCHASE and inform the shop where you bought it and leave contact details of yourself so it can be forwarded on to you as soon as possible."

"Were You There?" contains a full live show recorded on ANATHEMA's "A Natural Disaster" tour, an acoustic concert performed with a string quartet from the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, plus videos, live clips and other extra features. The artwork and menu designs have again been designed by Travis Smith.

As previously reported, ANATHEMA have been confirmed for the Atarfe Vega Rock Festival, which is set to take place February 25-26 at Nave Medina Elvira in Atarfe, Granada, Spain. Also scheduled to perform at the festival are CANDLEMASS, EDGUY, FEAR FACTORY, OVERKILL, PARADISE LOST, SAYOWA SUIDAKRA, U.D.O., AGATHODAIMON, BENEDICTION, BONFIRE, ENSIFERUM, HAGGARD, MEGADETH, QUIET RIOT, RAGE, RIOT and THERION. More information is available at this location. "
evenflow said:
As previously reported, ANATHEMA have been confirmed for the Atarfe Vega Rock Festival, which is set to take place February 25-26 at Nave Medina Elvira in Atarfe, Granada, Spain. Also scheduled to perform at the festival are CANDLEMASS, EDGUY, FEAR FACTORY, OVERKILL, PARADISE LOST, SAYOWA SUIDAKRA, U.D.O., AGATHODAIMON, BENEDICTION, BONFIRE, ENSIFERUM, HAGGARD, MEGADETH, QUIET RIOT, RAGE, RIOT and THERION. More information is available at this location. "

"Quiet Riot" and "Mega Death" very famous metalbands hope Anathema will became friends and be also famousmetalband!!!!
Hmm, I can't find anything about this on the forum elsewhere, but I finally just got a copy of the DVD, and I'm totally disappointed. The performance is superb, but the sound is perhaps the worst I've ever heard on a music DVD. There are no dynamics whatsoever, the quieter parts seem to be amplified and the louder sections of songs muted. It is really noticeable, when a song gets loud but suddenly you are left straining to hear individual performances because of the abysmal mixing. Is anyone else having this problem?

And to clarify, I've played it with 5.1 surround sound and stereo on 3 different DVD players to check it's not my equipment.
Russell said:
Hmm, I can't find anything about this on the forum elsewhere, but I finally just got a copy of the DVD, and I'm totally disappointed. The performance is superb, but the sound is perhaps the worst I've ever heard on a music DVD. There are no dynamics whatsoever, the quieter parts seem to be amplified and the louder sections of songs muted. It is really noticeable, when a song gets loud but suddenly you are left straining to hear individual performances because of the abysmal mixing. Is anyone else having this problem?

And to clarify, I've played it with 5.1 surround sound and stereo on 3 different DVD players to check it's not my equipment.
Strange, I don't have that kind of problem at all. I'm actually very satisfied with the sound of this dvd!
i'd noticed the volume would lower/raise randomly but im just presuming thats my dvd software and/or my doing 5 things at once on the pc as usual, never bothered checking it on another player though
Bambi said:
i'd noticed the volume would lower/raise randomly but im just presuming thats my dvd software and/or my doing 5 things at once on the pc as usual, never bothered checking it on another player though

Nope, that happens on mine too... And on normal DVD players, I watched the entire thing through last night and it happened in all the same places again.
Judge gsz said:
Strange, I don't have that kind of problem at all. I'm actually very satisfied with the sound of this dvd!
There does seem to be a problem with the sound mix.

The 5.1 Mix is totally pointless, the only channels which are used are the front left and right and the subwoofer - not a peep comes out of the centre or rear speakers.

The 2.0 Mix isn't perfect either, it probably sounds ok in stereo, but when my DD Processor processes it and upmixes it to a Prologic (I and II) sound, it only comes out of the centre and subwoofer.

Shame really :err: