So, who has that bloody DVD ??

You'd better call me madre grande, Pedro, or I'll really shove Quoth's opinion up your ass.

AnaTÉÉÉÉma, it will never cease to amuse my friend. "They're singing the songs perfectly but they just can't say aNAthema" :lol:
and i wouldnt worry too much about qtey, i think he just gets a bit cranky before his bed time, but sure hes tucked in safe and sound now, bless his wee cotton socks
So the shoving up your ass part is okay, may I infer?

I'm sorry for the incessant talking without thinking, but...
my dying groom said:
This is where opinions differ, I think the easygoing nature of this board is what keeps it alive and well.

Alive maybe but not well. Sure this board gives some ppl a few laughs, but the way they are acting keeps even more ppl away from here.
@Maqus: Haha, actually I've been told that (to shove my opinion up my ass) before by other friendly fellows, so I guess there's enough room for immaterial things up there.
my dying groom said:
@Maqus: Because she's gone now, I love to talk shit behind other people's backs.
Just kidding, padre.
nuisance, eh!?

F! well, i'm back! good morning! so you can say it to my face right now! cutie!
Come on, Bastet! Belgitje in the red corner, Daxiland in the blue corner. Boxing time!
