So, who in Opeth smokes pot?

Well yes, here in sweden we aren't exactly tolerant to drugs, as some of you might know, it isnt exactly easy to lay your hands on alcohol either. I DONT think that mikael smokes weed, being a father and all, and if mendez does/did he probably quit or will, because of Noak (his new born son). Also, if lopez did smoke weed, look where it got him. I'm not saying the weed is the cause for his current situation but I do know for a fact that it can emphasize such feelings on psychically "vulnerable" people.

that being said, I think that they should either forbid alcohol (to an extent) or just legalize weed (to an extent as well)
A guy I kind of know, went to Opeth signing in Amsterdam this year and claimed that Åkerfeldt was high without a doubt. I don't know if there's any truth to it, but Mike did look kinda "distant" in the pics he showed. :lol:
i dont know, i think its statistically linked to psychosis and psychotic-related illnesses (schizophrenia, bipolar syndrome, mania), but ive also heard that it only unlocks those disorders in people that have a genetic weakness to it anyway. i dont know if theres any truth to that, i learnt it in school

edit: i always thought that weed was a stimulant too, so that it would be bad in stressful situations (makes ur heart beat faster)
Overuse of weed can cause anxiety attacks and other disorders ... hmm, what did Lopez have again? He always seemed to me to be a guy who smokes all the time, but hell, what do I know :p

About the being liberal country stuff and all ... both Belgium and the Netherlands have (semi-)legalized weed, yet in general (without overgeneralizing 27 million people of course, but generalizing people seems to be normal on this forum often), the people in these 2 countries are the most conservative I've ever met! Luckily I haven't been to the USA, only met Americans outside the USA, so I haven't met the most conservative people of all then :p
People just don't realize that the reason they legalized it here, is not because people like it and want to make use of it!! I'm pretty sure about 85% of all Dutch people dislikes drug use and looks down upon people actually smoking pot ... However, it is an experiment to counter criminality, which is working I guess. Also, there is a bit of atmosphere here to let people make their own decisions, so even though they don't agree with people actually doing it, they still won't forbid it.

And furthermore, Amsterdam sucks :p what a boring town!
philno you never stop amazing me of how fucking stupid you are.

Fucking shit thread. Everyone who discusses these questions and pretend to know anything about the Opeth members are as stupid as philno.
Crap, just when I started to get really interested in that snus thing, the article said that it was banned in the EU. I mean, wtf???
My girlfriend doesn't want me to smoke, so this could have been a nice solution....
Crap, just when I started to get really interested in that snus thing, the article said that it was banned in the EU. I mean, wtf???
My girlfriend doesn't want me to smoke, so this could have been a nice solution....

It's not banned in Sweden. But I have no clue about the other countrys.
Well, using snus is something that us swedes do, that's just how it is. Even though it's disgusting as hell imo, there's no reason to ban it when you're allowed to smoke.
if you get could get smokers to use snus then well, why not, snus also contains and emphasizes the nocotine (because of the salts) and I think any smoker could stop smoke and start "snusing" (snusa: swedish) if they really wanted to. I think snus is just as ugly as ciggarets but a tad less unhealthier than smoking.

@ Illidan: I can only answer what the rumor says on weed helping against stress, I guess it does, but so does alcohol when you are intoxicated enough (read: drunk). But I know for a fact that weed can also have the opposite effect, one of my close friends tried it once and he had really bad experiences from it and he is, what should I say, not mentally unstable, but perhaps slightly more mentally vulnerable. Be that as it may, I doubt that the weed helped lopez, rather the opposite.
When I was in high school (a long time ago), we had a Swedish foreign exchange student who used snus. It was funny, because he only did the Swedish stuff - had it shipped by his friends. I used to dip back then, Kodiak if anyone remembers that (Americans...). Kodiak was wintergreen flavored and burned like a bastard! The snus that this guy used tasted like Copenhagen, which to me tastes like horse shit (or what horse shit probably tastes like)!!

Anyway, this dude could stick his finger in his upper gums, like there was an actual pocket/hole/whatever-you-wanna-call-it, that went past the level of his nose. I can't remember the guy's name, but we'd dip in science class (we had lab sinks to spit in) and he wouldn't spit. He'd just swallow it! :ill:
Lopez is/was a confirmed stoner; I've seen numerous pictures even just on this forum of him and a fan after blazing, after emerging from woods having blazed, etc. Similar stories of Mendez come as no surprise; I believe it's inferable from some chapter of the Opeth biography that the Martins toked, as Mike mentions their then-low tolerance of hard alcohol and one of them vomiting in a potted plant or something.

Weed is a psychedelic depressant-stimulant-intoxicant; that's a pretty broad classification. It can calm you if you're already somewhat calm or trying to become calm, and it can prompt anxiety if you're already somewhat anxious or under stressful circumstances. The word 'psychedelic' means "mind manifesting"; psychedelics simply hold up an augmenting mirror to how you already feel. Hence, weed can both depress and stimulate.