So who's going to the wiltern?

Hello everybody. Yes I was there that night and had an amazing time.

I drove from Santa Cruz with a friend of mine. We left around 10:00 am just to be safe(you know, in case there was going to be any traffic). we arrived around 4:00 pm. Opon arrival we checked out a hotel, but it ended up being an expensive one because the economy one's were all booked. We then got some hard liquor at convenience store and went back to the hotel to drink it. We were mixing it with pepsi. We just got a little buzz, you intensify the mood a little bit before the show. 6:45pm came around and we started heading towards the venue. There was a big line, but the wait to get in wasn't as long as I though it would be. The wait was about 45 minutes until we got inside. I was quite impressed once we were inside the wiltern, it's really a nice theatre: the architecture the designs and patterns all over the walls and ceiling really added to the experience. I was the guy there with the hooded light gray sweatshirt, I had the hood of the sweatshirt resting on my head, but I wasn't actually wearing it, just browsing around before the show and drinking beer.

Anyway as far as Opeth, they were great. And the sound was incredible, just simply amazing. Although the bass drums were a bit bass heavy, but wasn't a big issue for me. We were on row T seats 412 through 413. We were right in the middle of the isle, I really great location. All the songs were very entertaining. I really loved under the wheeping moon in the live setting, simply amazing, and all the other songs were great too.

After the show we decided to stand around next to Opeth's tour bus hoping we would see them, but our patience ran short after wating an hour and a half. So we decided to go next door and eat at Denny's instead.

Hopefully next time I'll get a chance to meet the band for the second time!
Yeah I don't quite remember seeing someone of your disription there, and I don't recall anyone there with a big camera/camcorder(thats not to say you weren"t there of course). Anyway I'll be looking forward to the pictures!
zortz said:
I was the big guy w/ the big camera. I've yet to process those pics. I'll get to 'em today hopefully.

I saw you. You were in the front of the venue taking lots of pics of the marquee, etc. and behind the venue by the bus late when Mike was going to the bus. There were several people there. I bet you saw me... both in the front and in later by the bus....


You had your hair in a pony tail and it's dark brown, eh? I heard you mention to someone that you had driven down from No-Cal.

Who were you? I was also outside next to the tour bus waiting for the band to come out. I was the Mexican guy wearing a light grey shirt and jeans. I was with a friend of mine of the same culture talking to one of the staff people from the venue.
pac1288 said:
Who were you? I was also outside next to the tour bus waiting for the band to come out. I was the Mexican guy wearing a light grey shirt and jeans. I was with a friend of mine of the same culture talking to one of the staff people from the venue.


Before the show...I was in front of the venue for a LONG time... but I was a 1 man line on the opposite side of the entrance from the line formed by most of the fans that wanted to get in... the big line on the "Left" side of the entrance. I was on the right... I had tix at will call. I was able to get in almost as soon as the doors officially opened.

Long after the show ended... and Mike was making his way to the bus... a small crowd mobbed him for autographs, etc... and I and a friend were on top of some stairs behind Mike's back looking down on everyone. My friend had LONG very blonde hair and a short beard... I have a shaved head but not skin... just really short hair and a pretty thick black coat. I'm a white dude. I'm older than the average fan... but pretty much don't look my age.
Mr Samsara said:
I saw you. You were in the front of the venue taking lots of pics of the marquee, etc. and behind the venue by the bus late when Mike was going to the bus. There were several people there. I bet you saw me... both in the front and in later by the bus....


You had your hair in a pony tail and it's dark brown, eh? I heard you mention to someone that you had driven down from No-Cal.


Yep..that was me :-) .

Here they are.

Not a lot of light so some are a bit blurry. I didn't use the flash much 'cause I didn't want to be rude shoot flashes into Mike/Peter/Max's faces.

I still can't believe how Mikael signed all those autographs and hung out and took pictures with the fans even though he was sick. What a guy, eh ?

Some samples:




Sweet pix! We saw the group of you waiting by the door (and contemplated hanging out), but got the fuck over to Ralphs for some food and headed back to San Diego.
Amazing...thanks for providing these pics man! and there very nice shots at that. To bad I didn't stick around long enough to meet the band. Next time I'll try to be more passive.
Mr Samsara said:

Before the show...I was in front of the venue for a LONG time... but I was a 1 man line on the opposite side of the entrance from the line formed by most of the fans that wanted to get in... the big line on the "Left" side of the entrance. I was on the right... I had tix at will call.

Riquit & paq1288 - Thanks! I'm still very much an amateur photographer, but I try to learn. It's hard taking clear shots @ night w/ no flash (I'm a flash hater too ... makes shots look crappy IMHO, 'cept for fill flash).

Mr. Samsara - I remember seeing you there on the right when I was taking shots of the marquee and building. Too bad you were in the shadows there or it would have shown you a bit brighter.

I took the raw image and enhanced it best I could, since it was in the dark it's grainy, and res is kinda low since it's cropped from a much larger image, but at least you can be seen:


- zortz
lucifer1126 said:
man...Peter is the only one i didn't meet at San Diego =/

how long did you wait after the show to meet them at the wiltern???

They took maybe an hour to an hour and a half before they came out. No biggy, since it's fun waiting and talking to fellow fans too.