So who's gonna be the "1 returning band"?

SavaRon said:
I think it's going to be Blind Guardian. That way it's much easier to have Demons & Wizards also. :D
That would be quite nice, but I don't think they'll have the new album done before ProgPower, plus they've stated that they aren't doing any shows until after the release of the new album.

Still, if by some act of god Glenn has them on the roster, that would be awesome :).
Curufin said:
If I told you, I'd have to kill you ;).

Actually, I had talked to Tom, and he told me that he and Glenn had talked about it, but decided since EG won't have a new album out, it'd be better if they let a new band come over and play. I would've loved to see EG again, but I think it's awesome that we'll get to see a new band instead.

Are you really serious? Or is are working with Glenn to throw us all off. I can picture it now Glenn announces Chumbawamba as the headliner and he tells everyone he loves them. Everybody is pissed off and then when ever Chumbawanba is announced before the curtain is open Evergrey plays the opening riff for "Blinded". :err:
dargormudshark said:
Are you really serious? Or is are working with Glenn to throw us all off. I can picture it now Glenn announces Chumbawamba as the headliner and he tells everyone he loves them. Everybody is pissed off and then when ever Chumbawanba is announced before the curtain is open Evergrey plays the opening riff for "Blinded". :err:

And here I thought I was the only person who remembered them. I get knocked down! But I get up again!....

And on a sidenote, I guess there was some foreshadowing for Therion, since the bass player was in attendance last year...
Megawozniak said:
And here I thought I was the only person who remembered them. I get knocked down! But I get up again!....

And on a sidenote, I guess there was some foreshadowing for Therion, since the bass player was in attendance last year...

Yeah, I was in 4th grade and that song was huge, luckily I discovered Judas Priest and I didn't even listen to that crap anymore. THANK YOU BRITTISH STEEL!!!!!!! :worship: :worship: :worship:
As much as I would love to see Angra perform again, I'm dying to see Angel Dust, too. If either band is the returning one, I'll be ecstatic. In my opinion, it's a good thing that Evergrey won't be returning. I've seen them enough times, and they've never impressed me.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Many here have named some of my faves. I would like to see:

Vanden Plas
Angel Dust (if they will get their shit together)
Balance of Power
Pagans Mind

All of those are one-time PP bands.

I was hoping for Evergrey, as I recall reading somewhere that they would be back for this festival, however, now that Gleen has given more details on what the line-up will be, I cannot see Evergrey in the sixth slot.
Well....I hope it will be Symphony X, since I love them but have never seen them live. But I guess I can always go see them when they tour this year if it's not.
But more realistically.....It would be nice if it was Rage or Spiral Architect, I know those two a bit. And Oyvind just left that wouldn't be a conflict.