ProgPower 2013 Lineup Guessing

Honestly, I'm just one guy, but I'm completely excited about seeing Queensryche with an ABLE vocalist. After the last time I saw Queensryche, I swore off ever seeing them again for one reason. Geoff Tate. Now that he's no longer in the band, I'd once again go way out of my way to go see them.
I can honestly see King gaining ground, as in gaining new fans, once he gets going again. I just think he has that appeal that younger metal fans are looking for. Plus, he has Metallica pushing him too. Ryche on the other hand is a totally different situation. I just don't see them gaining any new ground at all. Honestly, I think alot of the Tate purist will not support the new Ryche incarnation either. Ryche fans are Eddie Trunk fans and I think Eddie has already glorified Tate as being the one getting screwed.


Not that Facebook should be the determining factor here, but the response to La Torre on the "new" Ryche FB page has been overwhelmingly positive, while 90% of the posts I've read on the Miranda Tate run Ryche page have been totally negative toward Tate. But right now I think it's a race between the two parties to get a physical product out to the public, I think Tate is going to win that race although I shudder to think what his idea of a "metal" album is now!
Both bands have signed major management/booking deals with the big boys. The asking price for either of them for a one-off/festival appearance is now higher than my entire roster budget for a single night.

Well you get big props for having looked into it and trying. I'm sure Ryche will come around and I've seen the Tate version many times but I haven't gotten to see the King since 1987 and would love to see him atleast once more.
I'd be very surprised if this is true. Like all bands of their era, their audience is aging, and consequently, shrinking. People who are 40, go to less shows then when they were 30. Second, they gained a bigger audience from Empire, than the works before it. It wasn't "Take Hold of the Flame" that has kept the paychecks rolling in for the last 20 years, it was "Silent Lucidity". Finally, I suspect there is now less interest in them, not more. How many acts can you name, who were past their prime and grew in popularity by replacing the face of the band?

Could be, but at the same time, Ryche has been one of those bands for the last decade or so, has put out crappy album after crappy album and Tate hasn't really brought the vocals for quite some time live, yet the numbers at the shows I've been to have been relatively the same. Having said that, if they went to see Ryche this last decade or so, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if it stayed the same, but I doubt it increases their popularity unless they miraculously come out with a fantastic album. The thing is with them, a lot of their fans don't really follow them that well, so I wouldn't be surprised if these same fans go to see Queensryche and don't even realize until they get in the door that Tate isn't with them anymore. Needless to say, it'll be interesting to see what does happen.
1. Dimension Act
2. Myrath
3. Cloudscape
4. Ancient Bards
5. Theocracy
6. Pagan's Mind
7. Firewind
1. Lance King
2. Eumeria
3.Lost in Thought
4. Triosphere
5. Virgin Steele
6. Stratovarius
Blue Moon
Warsteiner Dunkel
Guinness Black

Glenfiddich 18
Captain Morgan Black
Warsteiner Oktoberfest

Parrot Bay
IPA Pale Ale
Sierra Nevada Kellerweis Hefeweizen
Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat

Whatever is left over from Thursday/Friday

Coffee and 5 hour energy...
And maybe swallowing back down vomit in the car...