So who's gonna be the "1 returning band"?

Symphony X, Evergrey, Angra, Nightwish, Rage are not bands to Slot #6, therefore these bands unfourtunally are not the returning band.
I think the returning band will be Pagan's Mind, Devin Towsend, Jag Panze or Angel Dust
I already posted about Devin Townsend in another thread. Here's a thought, what about Redemption? They've been there and played before, maybe this time it would be in a longer set (higher slot)?
I'd love to see Devin Townsend return myself, but my Spidey sense tells me it is Mercenery. Which is more than fine by me.
No offense to people here, but look at the band's slot and it will give you an indication of who it can and can not be. I mean c'mon guys, I am a stupid redneck from Alabama, yet I know from the slot position it is not going to be certain bands.
