So, who's gonna take the Republican nomination?

It is hard to say since no Republicans have decided to declare almost 2 years before the election. I'll bet they already have their Christmas decorations up for next year.
Or better yet, who are you hoping will?

Who stands the best chance?

I like Rudy, but I know like any human, he has some bad qualities... I think he is electable though.

Most Likely Rudy will not get the nomination because he is Pro-Choice. The Chrisitian Right wing will never stand for that. I think he's a good man. But they will never go for a Prez that lets women have the choice.

I think McCain will get the nomination...He should have got the nomination in 2000....Bush is laughable.....No serious he makes me laugh.....
Most Likely Rudy will not get the nomination because he is Pro-Choice. The Chrisitian Right wing will never stand for that. I think he's a good man. But they will never go for a Prez that lets women have the choice.

But if you think about it, The republicans have been dealing with abortions and all that for awhile now and havent been able to change it. Besides, Republicans know they got bigger fish to fry than the abortion issue.
I am voting for RUDY 100%. If he does not make it my second choice is McCain. And my reasoning, maybe flawed..but any man who survived through so many years in the hanoi hilton deserves my vote. I have the utmost respect for any and all Vietnam Veterans and will support them to the fullest. They were never treated as well as us more recent veterans which is a damn shame. Also..surviving 6 years of torture shows some damn character.
Despite some skeletons in Rudy's closet, as stated he is still very much electable and respected by Liberals and Conservatives alike.

That is precisely why I cannot get excited about Rudy. Anyone who gets the blessing of both sides cannot be doing things right in my book. Of course, I am an unapologetic right-wing kook, so it's all relative...
I am voting for RUDY 100%. If he does not make it my second choice is McCain. And my reasoning, maybe flawed..but any man who survived through so many years in the hanoi hilton deserves my vote. I have the utmost respect for any and all Vietnam Veterans and will support them to the fullest. They were never treated as well as us more recent veterans which is a damn shame. Also..surviving 6 years of torture shows some damn character.

It's a shame that GW Bush didn't give a vietnam POW the same respect.
After the dirty tricks and smears on McCain that Bush & co. pulled in the 2000primary, I never trusted Bush again.
Goldwater would be ashamed.
It's a shame that GW Bush didn't give a vietnam POW the same respect.
After the dirty tricks and smears on McCain that Bush & co. pulled in the 2000primary, I never trusted Bush again.
Goldwater would be ashamed.

Thats pretty low...a draft dodger calling out an ex-POW.....
I think that its going to be a Mccain-Rudy ticket. I would vote for Rudy in a second for President but most mid america christians wont even though he cleaned up the porno in the city, won a war against the mafia, and was the true leader of 9-11.
Nobody. I hate em all. A bunch of left-wing gay-loving socialists. How could our country, doing so well in so many ways, be throwing itself into red socialism so fast?

I am waiting for a new face, someone fresh, someone to stir up the primaries with courage, determination, honour, patriotism, responsibility, and stead-fast love for this country, to step forward, weather all criticism, speak only when required, and answer all opponents with a big stick and broad smile.

Sadly, nobody has successfully resurrected Reagan yet.

Nobody. I hate em all. A bunch of left-wing gay-loving socialists. How could our country, doing so well in so many ways, be throwing itself into red socialism so fast?

I am waiting for a new face, someone fresh, someone to stir up the primaries with courage, determination, honour, patriotism, responsibility, and stead-fast love for this country, to step forward, weather all criticism, speak only when required, and answer all opponents with a big stick and broad smile.

Sadly, nobody has successfully resurrected Reagan yet.


i love GWB, but he's no Reagan and i dont see any Reagan faithful coming forward, at this time.

Guiliani, as has been pointed out, has 'skeletons' and most true rightwingers will have a problem with that [the same with Gingrich].

Mitt Romney is still a question mark in my book. i'd have to put a lot more research into him before i could throw my support behind him. stay tuned.

McCain seems like a strong candidate, but really, to praise somebody today for something they did 30+ years ago is, well, retarded.
it didnt work for Kerry [although, he lied so much, nobody is really sure what he did, other than slam his nation and his military brothers]. it wont work for McCain.
not to mention, McCain is a typical RINO [Republican In Name Only]. that's what cost him the nomination in 2000; not what Bush or anybody with the Bush campaign did.

we've got too many hot button issues facing the nation right now and all i see are lukewarm candidates.
That is precisely why I cannot get excited about Rudy. Anyone who gets the blessing of both sides cannot be doing things right in my book. Of course, I am an unapologetic right-wing kook, so it's all relative...

I think if I had to choose between who the Democrats have and him...
Well, I'd choose him, because he will get the nomination...
I think if I had to choose between who the Democrats have and him...
Well, I'd choose him, because he will get the nomination...

Alfred E. Newman would get a write-in vote from me before i'd vote for anybody the Democrats have in the running.