Who's gonna buy Epic today?

asgeir said:
- how many copies is this first edition with slipcase and 'Making of' video limited to?

----> 10000 (pretty funny since few metal bands sell as much as 10000 hehe)

Does this mean I won't get to see the video, since I have to wait for an American release? I have no credit card to pay for an import, anyway, it seems.
DarkHawk said:
Gah Its too hard to find BorkNagar cds over here in NY. I went into an FYE today and they laughed at me and told me this record doesnt exist.

They then thought I was talking about the Faith No More song Epic. I wanted to kill that kid right there. Such snotty arrogant punks at that place.

Going to have to buy it online I guess.

Yeah I can't find Borknagar CDs anywhere around by me, I could only get them from The End Records it seems.
Paul said:

Speaking of selling numbers, do you know how many pieces of the previous Bork records sold each? And which one was the 'most successful' selling-wise? Just plain curiosity...

Bork are selling about 30.000 +/- copies of each album. As far as I know "The Olden Domain" and "Empiricism" is our best selling albums. They have passed 30.000 and are still selling 2- 3000 copies a year.
Øystein G. Brun said:
Bork are selling about 30.000 +/- copies of each album. As far as I know "The Olden Domain" and "Empiricism" is our best selling albums. They have passed 30.000 and are still selling 2- 3000 copies a year.
Wow, quite decent quantities! Most of the bands around probably would give their left ball to reach this selling...

And I'm a contributor too :rock:
That's because you're in Irvine. The album is still not out in the States and the selection of the Tower Records in Tustin and Costa Mesa sucks and blows. We might have a better chance at the Lake Forest "Wow!" Store. :grin:
Yeah the WOW store is the one I go to.. and the tustin one sucks a lot. I checked Virgin yesterday but no luck. Best Buy sucks as well,
the record store down the street from me is getting it on the 6th and i will be there to recieve it even if i have to walk there!!! They seem to get everything early...let's just see if they get the ones with the video. (Okay, its not that far, But Cape Cod, MA, is hell during the summer considering it is a tourist attraction)
\m/ ^_^ \m/
Trollwandering said:
the record store down the street from me is getting it on the 6th and i will be there to recieve it even if i have to walk there!!! They seem to get everything early...let's just see if they get the ones with the video. (Okay, its not that far, But Cape Cod, MA, is hell during the summer considering it is a tourist attraction)
\m/ ^_^ \m/

Sounds like my town, people from all over the world come here to see the fish we get. The world record King salmon was caught just a little way from my house, a 130 pound fish. It was huge, almost as long as I am tall, I think. I'm a little over 5 and a half feet, too...
Today I bought Borknagar Epic Slipcase CD Limited Edition with Epic Making off PC video... REALLY AMAZING EDITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The video is really interesting and funny

Sigurd said:
Today I bought Borknagar Epic Slipcase Limited Edition with Epic Making off video... REALLY AMAZING EDITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The video is really interesting and funny


Ditto. Lars is a sexy beast, by the way.

Raspete sørlandsaksent er "herlige", Lars. Stå på :Spin:
I picked it up just the other day. The stores in Australia have heaps of them. Already I think I like it more than 'Empericism'. I've been listening to it over and over again and I've really fallen for it.

Great stuff. And for those of you who can't afford to buy one c.d... get better jobs! hahah.
After having heard it many times now (I can't get it out of my stereo) I can say that this album is fantastic. This is one of the highlights of 2004 for me so far.

Great stuff- every song.
I was feeling a bit disappointed upon the first few listens, but this album grew on me tremendously. After a 50+ listens I dare to say this is at least on the same level as Empiricism. I would not say it is better, because it needs to be put in perspective to compare it with a release that has been my one of favourites for the last 3 years. But to anyone who think that Epic is weaker that Empiricism is advised to give it a lot more spins. I think Epic is the most complex and hardest to get into album of Borknagar so far, but in this sense the most rewarding once you got it in. It is far more progressive as a whole than any previous Bork material. Sure, Emp was complex playing wise, but was more straightforward in the approach of song structure. Epic is like Oystein said, is more of everything. And it really is.