Who's gonna buy Epic today?

Godrapingdamnit, it really sucks to be an American, especially considering that US release dates for albums usually take like 10 years after the European release date. Alright, maybe not that long, but I need the real deal!!!!!!!! This shitty-ass dl copy is just not quite enough. I need it all!!!!
Gah Its too hard to find BorkNagar cds over here in NY. I went into an FYE today and they laughed at me and told me this record doesnt exist.

They then thought I was talking about the Faith No More song Epic. I wanted to kill that kid right there. Such snotty arrogant punks at that place.

Going to have to buy it online I guess.
I bought a few copies for my metal distro as there is no distribution of Centurymedia stuff in my country. The CDs will arrive next week
DarkHawk said:
Gah Its too hard to find BorkNagar cds over here in NY. I went into an FYE today and they laughed at me and told me this record doesnt exist.

They then thought I was talking about the Faith No More song Epic. I wanted to kill that kid right there. Such snotty arrogant punks at that place.

Going to have to buy it online I guess.

I can't find it online, save for a $30 import. We don't get it until August 10'th. I'll get it even later, too, knowing how it works in Alaska.

Anyone care to help a guy out, I'll gladly pay all charges...heh.
As soon as i get a chance i will be buying this album.

I actually have hope that the FYE near me will have it, because they've had Empiricism continuously stocked since as far back as i can remember.
Aaah, the wait is fukkin over. I got it. Myyyy precccciouss:grin:

I have watched the video, but havent listened to the music so far. After I will get home, I will sit in the cosy sofa, turn up the volume on my custom made highend and listen.:cool:
'Ladies and gentlemans: An evening with the Borknadettes'
I have listened to Epic about 5 times. My first impressions:

It is considerably more complex than Empiricism, and requires much more listens to get into it. For the first listen it was a big blur. But I liked it. Sometimes you know that even if you dont understad the music, it will be clicked if given enough listens. /The same happened with Spiral Architect. In the beginning it was a big chaos for me, but I knew that it is good and I liked it. Now it is one of my alltime favourites :-) /
The sound is more 'fatty' than on Emp, this is something I wished in that thread about the expectations for the new album, so now I'm happy.
The booklet is very nice and tasteful.

I very seldom looking forward to a new release nowadays, Epic is the one exception of this, and I am not disappointed. I like the feeling that the more I listen to Epic more I get out of it.

Got some questions to bandmembers / anyone with info on:

- how many copies is this first edition with slipcase and 'Making of' video limited to?
- any touring plans, or some festival appearences this year?
- when will be the new site be up and running? with some new interviews and stuff?
Paul said:
For the first listen it was a big blur.
I agree with that. I just got the album one late night back from work and listened to it very tired and maybe that's the reason I didn't like it at first) it sounded like: blackmetal verses and similar choruses , most of it.
Upon 3-4rd listening things started to get clearer and more enjoyable. It still doesn't top Empiricism and I don't think it will...
The booklet is very nice and tasteful.

----> Thank you.

Got some questions to bandmembers / anyone with info on:

- how many copies is this first edition with slipcase and 'Making of' video limited to?

----> 10000 (pretty funny since few metal bands sell as much as 10000 hehe)

- any touring plans, or some festival appearences this year?

----> No

- when will be the new site be up and running? with some new interviews and stuff?

----> Only Ezaphen (webmaster) knows...

- Asgeir
heheh..well not to make the USA guys jealous but at the festivals in Europe there's something like MetalMarkets....a large tent with several metal stores/import companies...

really loads and loads of good new releases like "Epic "!!!, picked up my copy there last weekend !
Have played it several times and I think its quite good..... :rock: :worship:

Speaking of selling numbers, do you know how many pieces of the previous Bork records sold each? And which one was the 'most successful' selling-wise? Just plain curiosity...
Damn I'm gona have to wait a month or two (or even more), to get the album imported officially in here. Hehe, I bought Emp on 16 of January 2002, on the day it hit the shelves in the metal shops (in Bulgaria, that is). I guess that beats you Americans...

And then I'll have to give up my monthly scholarship to buy it... But I have patience...