I have listened to Epic about 5 times.
My first impressions:
It is considerably more complex than Empiricism, and requires much more listens to get into it. For the first listen it was a big blur. But I liked it. Sometimes you know that even if you dont understad the music, it will be clicked if given enough listens. /The same happened with Spiral Architect. In the beginning it was a big chaos for me, but I knew that it is good and I liked it. Now it is one of my alltime favourites

The sound is more 'fatty' than on Emp, this is something I wished in that thread about the expectations for the new album, so now I'm happy.
The booklet is very nice and tasteful.
I very seldom looking forward to a new release nowadays, Epic is the one exception of this, and I am not disappointed. I like the feeling that the more I listen to Epic more I get out of it.
Got some questions to bandmembers / anyone with info on:
- how many copies is this first edition with slipcase and 'Making of' video limited to?
- any touring plans, or some festival appearences this year?
- when will be the new site be up and running? with some new interviews and stuff?