So who's your bet for DT's new drummer out of the 7?

Well, I don't listen to Dream Theater much but based solely on the names I feel confident saying Mangini is my favorite.
Now there's some serious competition - I wouldn't like to say who I think they've gone for but I'm sure whoever it is will be more than capable
Well, I don't listen to Dream Theater much but based solely on the names I feel confident saying Mangini is my favorite.
Just because of the name, or because you think he is the best drummer out of the 7? :eek:

My bet is also Mangini though.

Aaanyway, I don't know anything about drummers besides the ones in my favorite bands, so I don't know anything about any of those guys. Well, other than that apparently Mike Mangini is one of the fastest drummers alive, and that everyone on Mike Portnoy's message board has been soiling themselves over Marco. That said, I hope Aquiles Priester gets it because that is the coolest name I have ever heard.
Wow i wouldn't like to say, all are great. I always thought Virgil Donati would be great for the role.
From what I've read on their statements, seems like Peter Wildoer and Derek Roddy had a rough time with the auditions, especially Derek. Looks like that's two down and out of the game!
Having heard Derek plenty outside this doing black and death metal I doubt he'd have any sort of "hard" time with Dream Theater's stuff.
Black and death are quite different from prog though. You could get the fastest blastbeat drummer in the world, but that doesn't mean he'd be able to creatively keep up with the constant time and mood changes that come with Dream Theater's music.
I've got to be honest and say that the only one I'd heard of, until a couple of months back, is Mike Mangini (due to his solo stuff with LaBrie). Due to this, he's probably close to favourite. Partly due to the facts that the guys know what he can do and there have been 'leaked announcements'

I've also seen the videos of Minnemann and he looks like he could easily have the right stuff, but it's already been stated that he won't be the drummer
Black and death are quite different from prog though. You could get the fastest blastbeat drummer in the world, but that doesn't mean he'd be able to creatively keep up with the constant time and mood changes that come with Dream Theater's music.

Of course it does, that's like saying Loomis or Cooley couldn't play country because it's different although less tecnical. Yes because he plays a more technical style does mean he can do the current songs just fine.

Is he the best person to sit in for new songs though? Probably not I know I'm a tech death guitarist who just jumped ship to prog myself only 3 weeks ago and play the stuff is cake compared to tech death, but writting it is harder because I think there is a much higher standard for what a "good riff" is in prog and power compared to thrash, death, black.

That being said Virgil Donati is actually the best fit in my opinion by a long shot, only one I don't know is Lang.
Cheers, Yasmine. :)
Part 1
Watching now! Looks exciting... three twenty-minute parts? Yes please :p Interesting stuff!

EDIT: Just finished it. Having never seen any of these drummers before it was really exciting to finally see Mangini and how he plays. He seemed like he fit in perfectly with Dream Theater... that was really fun watching him play! He really was spot on with what he did, that's incredible. Can't wait to see the rest of the auditions!