So... why all the Panzer love?

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
It seems like there's been a ton of talk about Jag Panzer (and by a ton, I mean the same four people keep talking about them:heh:). Regardless, I never thought of them as being one of the more popular Power Metal bands. Are they from the Chicago area? Is it because they've played the fest before? Just curious.

By the way, I'm curious to know what everyone's favorite Panzer discs are. I only own Casting the Stones and Age of Mastery.

They are from Colorado ... no Illinois ties that I know of. I just think they are so totally underrated overall, but are one of the better and more consistant powermetal bands around. I've seen them 2 1/4 times before, and they are great live. I just think they would be a hell of a lot of fun. Their performance in Cleveland at BWBK a few years back was killer. I also have seen them briefly open for Helloween in Chicago, and at Prog Power 1. I was really, really excited to see them open for Helloween, and was dissapoited when they only were able to do three songs or so. Prior to that I wasn't familar with them near as well as I am now.

My favorites from them are Thane To The Throne, and Casting The Stones.

I think they are from Colorado actually, I could be wrong. I am not a fan of Jag panzer. Nothing stands out for me. I have seen them a few times and heard a few recorded tracks but nothing really clicked with me. They are a band though that really never got it's due. I think they will be known as the band that will always be the second to the headliner act.
I think they will be known as the band that will always be the second to the headliner act.

on the other hand, I saw them headline Powermad in 2000.

I love Jag Panzer because they don't stick to one particular sound, they are very skilled musicians, and they just flat-out rock!
They are a consistently decent band.
Not the most amazing, but very good at what they do.

Recommended listenings: Mechanized Warfare, Thane to the Throne, and Ample Destruction

Casting the Stones does VERY little for me...
You're crazy when it comes to Casting The Stones, Jasonic. That album is solid from start to finish. The songs are well written and catchy .. what more does a person want when it comes to traditional/power metal?

Sorry, that one just never clicked with me.
It seems to lack the catchiness of Mechanized Warfare.
Maybe I need to re-visit the disc again.

I do like the Tyrant's teased up hair and black nail polish in the promo shots for that album though!! That man's a kook!!!!!!!
Well, looks like I am in the minority when it comes to the opinion of Casting the Stones.
Well, this would be a boring place if we all agreed on everything, right??
Casting the Stones is definitely my favorite JP disc. It seems like they really upped the ante on that disc.

It's definitely my favorite of their "newer era" discs (which began with The Fourth Judgement). Overall, I'd say it's my 2nd favorite behind Ample Destruction.

DarkTide said:
heir performance in Cleveland at BWBK a few years back was killer

Interesting, since that set was made up of all old school Jag Panzer material (mosty from Ample Destruction). It was a special, one off performance, and I agree, it absolutely slayed. I still have the setlist from the show (complete with duct tape).

Well, looks like I am in the minority when it comes to the opinion of Casting the Stones.
Well, this would be a boring place if we all agreed on everything, right??
Give it another shot sometime. I would think that if you've liked past efforts you should take to Casting The Stones pretty well. It's really pretty strong from start to finish. I would say though that the lead off song Feast or Famine isn't among my favorites on the disc. That tune and Cold are the two least favorites for me, but the rest of the disc is loaded with good tunes.

It's definitely my favorite of their "newer era" discs (which began with The Fourth Judgement). Overall, I'd say it's my 2nd favorite behind Ample Destruction.

Interesting, since that set was made up of all old school Jag Panzer material (mosty from Ample Destruction). It was a special, one off performance, and I agree, it absolutely slayed. I still have the setlist from the show (complete with duct tape).

I actually didn't know a lot of those songs when they played in Cleveland. I became a much bigger fan of their stuff shortly after that. That's another reason why I want to see them again now .. I know their material much better.

I've seen Panzer several times (even played with them twice) and they're a great live band - I think they'd be a great addition to fest, especially since I was ultra-disappointed they had to cancel last year at MMM. I've been a fan since "Ample Destruction" came out, so I'm always looking to see them...

My fav discs are "Thane to the Throne" and "Casting the Stones", but I like all of them.
I've seen Panzer several times (even played with them twice)

I remember seeing you guys w/Iced Earth, Panzer, The Quiet Room and someone else (Anvil or something?) in Philadelphia at a shitty tiny bar called Harbor Lights way back in 1998. I remember IE's headlining set had to be cut short due to hip hop night taking place, but they still absolutely slayed in front of about 30 people or so. The only time I ever witnessed Travel in Stygian live w/Barlow. Absolutely amazing. Jag Panzer were just flat out fun, w/Conklin climbing all over the amps (which had more room on top of them than the stage, lol)

Division really impressed me that night as well and I remember buying a copy of "Ascension to Eternity" then and there.
