Mountain King
The lord is my pants
Make sure you bring a backup plan along with you ... gotta feeling the selling of yourself sales will be extremely low. Fred Garvin you're not !!
hey dont be hatin!
Make sure you bring a backup plan along with you ... gotta feeling the selling of yourself sales will be extremely low. Fred Garvin you're not !!
I'll be there selling my Chris Lotesto and Rob Such action figures.
I'm just kidding .. you're at least a notch or so above Fred Garvin !!hey dont be hatin!
I know everytime I have been to the pearl room the vendors have always been right to the left as you walk in, I would assume the same would hold true
back at the hotel! only those awesome enough to hold a room there should be allowed to merch! RAAAAAAAHH
Damn--Solitude Aeturnus has to have merch....I must have shirt......I rememeber buying a shirt from them out of their van at the 1992 Metalfest in Millwalkie