So you people buy 15 CD's a month and think you have it bad


A sampling of the brighter excerpts...

"There's no way to get over to any of that stuff on the far wall, so when that light bulb burns out we're screwed."

"The twenty-year old TV and the ten-year old VCR. The picture tube on the TV is dying, and the image is dark, blurry, and tinted. That pile of US Mail boxes with the "fragile" box on top can be pivoted to the left to allow a wider viewing arc."

"Notice that even the inside of the bird cages are crowded."

"There's also at least two broken bottles back there somewhere that have fallen but there's no way to get back there to clean them up. I'm assured all this stuff in quite valuable, by the way."

"Those plants on top of the bookshelf died because there was to way to water them. They've been sitting there decomposing for a few years now."

"Behind that chair and flag is the water heater. Hopefully we'll never need to get to it."

"And here's my mom's bedroom. You were probably expecting a bed or something. It's there, somewhere underneath all those boxes. My mom decided storing this stuff is more important that having a place to sleep."

"Early this year they put a calendar store in the factory outlets by our house, selling out all the old current calendars. My mom bought several hundred of them, because they were cheap...Also notice they're all on different months."

"I try to explain to her that not only are the odds of someone choosing her identity to steal are slim on their own, if someone is going to try to steal an identity they're probably not going to pick someone in the lower middle class."

"Time for a bathroom story. One time I ran out of toothpaste or floss or something, so I opened the medicine cabinet looking for more. Instead, I found the bathroom cabinet full of my old prescription bottles. I then realized I'd never thrown a prescription bottle away, I'd get new ones, and the old ones had just disappeared. I'd never thought about it. I confronted my mom, and she told me she was keeping hers too, and was saving them to cut the labels off so the prisoners wouldn't know what medications we were on. I told her that was crazy, and that I was going to throw mine away. A few days later I went to do that, only to find they were all gone. Mom took them all, and hid them in a box somewhere so I couldn't throw them away. They were out of my way, so I didn't pursue it any further. I make sure to throw my old bottles away now though."

And then the classic 1st response:
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]"1) your bandwidth is going to get killed

2) holy fuck

3) disconnect her from the internet STAT"

That is the greatest thing I've ever seen/read, btw.
Wow. She's insane.


I love these globey thingies!!! I own one. :err:
markgugs said:
I confronted my mom, and she told me she was keeping hers too, and was saving them to cut the labels off so the prisoners wouldn't know what medications we were on.
What the FUCK?!?! :confused:

I love these globey thingies!!! I own one. :err:
Now that I'm finally able to look at this (link was blocked at work), I'm stunned. Stuff like this makes me feel better about my (what I think are) bad habits. Kind of like when I saw the movie Trekkies...