Social Anxiety

Haha, what is this, make shamelessly perverted comments to Maren day? :lol: :lol: :lol:

And NAD isn't even involved. Or is he?
huhu :)

I'm kind of a loner too and always feel I don't meet the right people but I'm not that sad. Just a little sometimes ...but when I look around me, everybody looks the same, the majority of let's say 18-23 (I'm 21 btw) only wants to drink and smoke and be dumb. Sure, young people want to have fun but even my closest friends act like that now i.e boring and almost ridiculous . Not to mention that with the years, although they have a band and shit they consider music as entertainement , they'd rather party OMG1a!?!&!. Hard times connecting with them now. I say it's time to go living in the forest with some girl .. or to change friends :lol:
I'm at the point in my life now where all I need are a few select close friends and a family member or two that I love. I figure as long as you have one person in your life that loves you unconditionally, you'll be fine. Could be a spouse, could be a parent, could be a sibling, could be a dog. Hey I guess it could be yourself as well, although I'm not the type to want to be alone all the time, even if I enjoy my solo time quite a bit.

Although as usual, every case is different.
I need more friends here that I dont have to talk to, just sit quitly and stare at the tv with. Im really really tired of the activity freaks.
snow2fall said:
You don't know much about evolution or human biology, do you?!
I don't bother with theories, I stay with facts. If you're serious enough about the question then beliefs or mere verbal explanation becomes rather meaningless. This is not about dialectic.

There's nothing more to say, I'm out.
Ive got a few friends who ive known since i was 4, good mates like that are hard to come by.

On a side note, I like to just hang by myself alot of the time, do my own thing.. ive also noticed im becoming more and more reliant on my computer, like blowing of friends to sit at home and play games/internet. is that bad?