Soda Popinski

Just saying that people gonna peop, regardless of any rules and regulations. We're pretty much all selfish pieces of shit. Except me
but what about my freedom to be a worthless sack of shit
well thats my point, in america you do have that freedom, but it comes with consequences. higher rates, denial of coverage etc. with the gov taking over and everyone paying the same (those that actually pay) it becomes more obvious that we're footing the bill for these whales and there will be public support for laws that try to limit 'bad stuff'

most obese people are poor too so you get that nice combo of elitism and behavior control
Suddenly neal cares about "elitism" :lol:

Speaking of elitism, where did Doomcifer go? Was he finally scrobbled into non-existence by
well thats my point, in america you do have that freedom, but it comes with consequences.
in my hypothetical communist sweden, you also have that freedom, but it comes with the consequence of having to pay a couple of coins more for soda (to cover society's costs for your inevitable bloated sugary death)
Y'all talk about freedom and it's god damn soda.

Seriously dudes pick a better reason to go to war.
in my hypothetical communist sweden, you also have that freedom, but it comes with the consequence of having to pay a couple of coins more for soda (to cover society's costs for your inevitable bloated sugary death)

we currently do this with alcohol and tobacco, but people have already proposed ideas for sugar taxes and trans-fats taxes. i think these are far more likely to gain traction than trying to ban soda/junkfood outright. the best example of this is the tobacco taxes, they keep jacking the price up but much to the befuddlement of the we-know-whats-best-for-you crowd people keep right on smoking, even though they know its bad for them.
one day they will come for what you most hold dear

yeah probably

like denmark and their stupid-ass fat tax (in denmark they recently decided to tax high-fat food items because of some flimsy-ass bogus "science")

which is why when i say i support certain laws, taxes and regulations i really mean "no gods, no masters, fuck every politician, fuck your laws, carpet-bomb your stupid cities, salt the earth, rejoice in the ruins of this rotten society"