Solution to the Bonus Track ordeal


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2006
Hello! I've recently noticed about the problems addressed with the 'unfair' advantages of the Japanese albums versus the European albums. I'm sure that many fans, including myself, would love to be able to own these songs without resorting to piracy or the hassle of trying to search and buy the japanese soundtracks.

What I think would be a good idea for the band to do is to make another album for Europe containing all the bonus songs not featured in the European versions. There wouldn't be any need to release it to Japan since they already have the tracks, so there wouldn't be trouble with getting this album to sell there. Alternatively, the band could release the multimedia content that the japanese missed out on as well in Japan.

I think it would be a great solution to the whole unfairness-with-albums thing, and that maybe not now, but after maybe another full length release of an album or two, Power Quest can release all the missed tracks in an exclusive CD.

Hey, I would buy it. :)
Thanks for reading.

On a side note, your new album rules.
SiliconMessiah said:
It sounds like a cool idea, but whilst reading your post i came up with an idea of my own, the bands could simply sell the tracks on their website for a small amount maybe?

That's the way to go for sure. But then the people of Japan, Brazil etc will just import the European/American version, and the buy the tracks online, still leading to a decline in "local" record sales. It's a toughy!
Initially I didn't understand what you meant but yeah I think there maybe a market for "bonus track" releases.

It's like I said in my original post though... whatever is released in Japan should be realesed here....there can be no harm in throwing in a few extra tracks.

For me, I'd prefer the extra tracks to the multimedia content - I'm never really arsed about tht stuff.
Two years?!


I could put the bonus track(s) from a previous album onto the end of a new album...but that'd be pretty pointless.

Yeah, but then there'd be a two year gap by which time most avid fans will have been driven mad and resorted to importing Japanese versions or downloading 'em!
Naa, I bought both versians :D Plus its not like I'd do it with some huge band like Maiden, I honeslty don't mind spending my cash on music from a band like PQ. take MND for example. I bought the Japanese import, with bonus track, before it even came out over here. Since the Europe versian had a nice digipak with bonus DVD, I had no bother about paying again for the album at a gig, to obtain the extra footage and know that I'm supporting the music I love.

Totally agree with that and it's what I have been doing n'all.

But in the context of this thread I think we're saying that all the hassle of imports and two CDs when you only need one is not something that should happen just to get a few bonus tracks.

It doesn't bother me too much to do what you also do and import/buy special editions but it bothers my wallet.
I can't see how it would piss them off, you already own the album. I've never heard either of the bonus tracks, but I wouldn't buy an album I already own twice in order to hear a bonus track. The money I spend on seeing Power Quest in various parts of the country is enough thank you.
I'm sure PQ wouldn't mind if the elite members of this forum did it!( ;) ) But any band who is having their tracks downloaded for free is going to be pissed off or annoyed to say the very least.
I was going to suggest loading the next album with alot of japanese bonus tracks, say like 5, so they essentially get 1 1/2 albums in one. Then you guys could compile all bonus tracks into a western release.

It could work if somehow you got rid of or changed that 2 year gap thing with the bonus tracks, but is that possible?