solve for x


Jun 8, 2010
ok, about a month ago an engineer showed me a band called "solve for x"

at the time, he said "they don't have a myspace or anything!" o_O

i listened to about 4 of there songs... and they were freaking amazing!

i have scoured the internet and tried looking for the engineers contact info. but nothing has turned up... maybe they changed their name?!?

has anyone ever heard of this band? :cry:

*this band has become the phantom who haunts me!
why don't you ask the engineer for name of any of the band members? it's easier to find them that way.

i have been looking for the engineer's contact info... i can't find it either. :yell:

(he was an acquaintance, not really a friend) =\

i will keep digging... feels like i won't find a thing though!