Some Anathema Images

This is a new photo from Istanbul-Mephisto:
Don Corleone said:
girls are impressed by men who can change diapers? wow now that shows some true character right hahaha
If thats the case im not ever gonna wash my hands after eating a curry. The orange/green outline left in my fingernails will surely look like Ive been changing nappies, and I'll impress the ladies
surrealm said:
no, don't worry.. he snapped a string early on in the set, so i gave him this other guitar, and then after that he just didn't see me with the black gibson being ready anymore.. so he continued on that one.

about the amps: they all used rental equipment.. only vinny used the same type of amplifier he has
That's great news cause when he threw it up at the second concert here in Istanbul and when Jamie threw a sad sad look at the gibson I thought we lost it :-)