Some Ass on the Nevermore Board

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Dead_Lioness said:
OfficerNice : however, i owe you a beer ;)
i promise !
as long as you promise to drink MY beers, bwhahah !

Oh My Goat ( :) ) You're twisting my arm!!!!

I'm down. ;)

Um, This is my beat...I thought I sentenced everyone to bonghits
and Pink Floyd??? :grin:

Deadly Embrace said:
..........end of story...............

All Due Respect-
Ok, let's all call it even, Dawson got his ass chewed.

Now we enroll Dawson into OFFICER NICE BOOT CAMP
and whip him into shape and make him worthy of the LEGIONS board!

It doesn't make a difference if pest 'thought' I was lying or not, because no matter what his opinion on what I said was, my great uncle is still dead. And I may used profanity, but what difference does it make? Do you not use profanity? Everyone has their breaking point, by the way. I've never dealt with people so irritating as I have on these boards. At least Officer Nice is putting out the effort, and I respect that. But I just came in this thread saying that I didn't think it mattered what someone said about an album and then DE says I'm coming in starting 'shit' again. I'm attacked in almost every thread I go here now, and there really is no valid justification for it. That's the only reason why I'm upset. If I thought I was being a jerk, I wouldn't care because I would know that I get what I deserve. But what I'm getting from this board since I've been here is definitely not what I deserve, regardless of what any of you other people think.
oh piss off..... you're just upset because you're a whiny little liar who's always trying to pull shit, and someone called you on your lie. the most irritating person on this board is you. and you're getting EXACTLY what you deserve.

you stir the pot in every thread, you cry in every thread, and are so fickle that you've even changed your opinion on the new Exodus (cry a little harder and tell us about the new new Exodus tracks....).

and for what its worth, I KNOW you're LYING....
I'm not lying about anything, and yes, my opinion on the new Exodus changed, because I heard more of it. It's pretty easy for your opinion to change when you have a wider view of what you're looking at. Understand?
Dodens Grav said:
It doesn't make a difference if pest 'thought' I was lying or not, because no matter what his opinion on what I said was, my great uncle is still dead. And I may used profanity, but what difference does it make? Do you not use profanity? Everyone has their breaking point, by the way. I've never dealt with people so irritating as I have on these boards. At least Officer Nice is putting out the effort, and I respect that. But I just came in this thread saying that I didn't think it mattered what someone said about an album and then DE says I'm coming in starting 'shit' again. I'm attacked in almost every thread I go here now, and there really is no valid justification for it. That's the only reason why I'm upset. If I thought I was being a jerk, I wouldn't care because I would know that I get what I deserve. But what I'm getting from this board since I've been here is definitely not what I deserve, regardless of what any of you other people think.
If this turns into an "Exodus" thread on my beat I will be unhappy
and I will have to unleash the beast from the east coast and my
fookin fury will be a rising force to be reckoned with.
Are you not listening to me? I'm seemingly right now the only one
who's trying to get your back and be on your side. Stop pushing.
Who's right, Who's wrong. fuck. Just be the one to end it. DE is a
senior member on this board and ultimately whether or not you're his
buddy you gotta give him his respect. He's earned it. He deserves it.
I'm telling you how it is. Listen to me or not I don't care but you
are digging yourself a deeper grave regardless of if you're just trying
to defend yourself. Maybe this is none of my fuckin business but I'm
asking myself WHAT WOULD DAVE MUSTAINE DO? Stop Cutting your
nose off to spite your face. Cut your loss.
I'd like to think all of our opinions on this forum matter. We're all here
because we love Testament first and foremost. You started some shit
and now people don't like you. I've said it before , in the Exodus thread,
that people here are really fair and patient - shit, they haven't dumped
the 10 ton hammer on me yet- and you've pushed the buttons a lot.
Accept that. While it's sad your relative is dead, honestly and I hate
to sound like a dick about this, it's not their problem and because you
put it out there after all the ruckus you've caused, they stepped on it
and that's your fault dude, seriously. I'm being fair and honest here.
Nobody's gonna hand you a tissue or pat you on the back when you've
pissed people off. That's just how it is. So don't come and use that
anymore. Leave it alone. Respect his death and zip it on that.
You preached all this tolerance and kindness stuff and on your post
you basically resorted to what you said you were above and you got
beat down for it. That's fair game on the playing field brother.
Everyone has their breaking point, and maybe the others here that
are beating you down reached theirs with you already. think about it.
DE called you a BITCH with all caps. DE in real life is one of the coolest
metal brothers in the bay area. Think about it. Stop looking at all this
shit from your standard. You're the rookie here. You have to play by
a different standard, basically. Adapt and you will be cool. I don't
think it's too late but I'm an optimist because I am a perpetual asshole
and I can piss anyone off in record timing. My standards are different
than yours, everyone's are. With every instance where you got a beat
down here there was an opportunity for you to change things if you
wanted to take it. Dont make things any more worse for you than
they are. Know when to stop and change it. You like good metal,
I've seen what you're into. Now use that as a stepping stone.
I'll be frank, I could be so full of shit about all of this, but right now,
so far, I'm the only motherfucker trying to help you.
You're gonna have to start listening to me cause I cant keep typing
all this shit over and over. If you dont want to be in good here and
want more hell unleashed on you, ignore me. What's the worst that
could happen you if you listen to me? I mean, you're already in deep

Dodens Grav said:
I'm not lying about anything, and yes, my opinion on the new Exodus changed, because I heard more of it. It's pretty easy for your opinion to change when you have a wider view of what you're looking at. Understand?

you absolutely are..... you've finally pushed things to the point where other people have had to come in and tell you not to stir the pot, and then you decided you needed an EXCUSE to explain your dumbass behavior (yet again I might add.....).

I've heard the my dog/grandma/uncle excuse before, and since you act the way you do, its no great surprise that you would use that as an excuse to CYA. I wouldn't even be surprised if you were going for a sympathy play to try and turn around all the ill will you've gathered since you've been here.... maybe thinking we'd feel sorry for you and let your BS slide. you're full of it, and a lot of people here can see the forest from the trees.
To all those who don't give a shit about this little 'situation,' skip this post, and I apologize for being off topic, but the point of this thread's already been addressed.

So you're saying to compromise my principles to appease a handful of mid-thirties males who live across the country I'll never see and have no respect for? That's very interesting. DE may have respect from everyone on this board, but I haven't seen him do anything that earns respect. All I've seen him do is belittle other people and get alcohol from Polish people. Let's get straight to the issue, right now. The problem is, where I'm coming from, reasoning, logic, and understanding is used when talking. But as I came in to this board, I'm not seeing it. I'm seeing people at each other's necks because of differences in musical tastes. I've looked back at every single one of my posts that I've made in this board, and the only one I regret is the one where I first expressed a difference in opinion because I didn't like Throwing Down and Culling The Herd. Guess what? I still don't like those songs. Amazing huh? Now here's where the difference is. From where I am, this doesn't matter. But here, it's a very crucial aspect of being accepted. That's ridiculous. I'm done trying to fucking be accepted by a bunch of random people, because when I tried, it got me nowhere. It's not worth it to compromise yourself just to be accepted by people all the way across the country who are twice your age who you only know of through a message board. I'm done. I will speak my mind whenever I have something to say. If you disagreee with what I say, feel free to whine to me all you want. All I will do from now on is quote what you've said and reply with a nice, simple 'Thank You.' That is, unless there is a valid point made in the proper manner, then I will address the situation as would be proper.

Again, thank you, Officer Nice, for trying, but I just don't care what anyone on this board thinks of me enough to compromise my words, which is all anyone has when it comes down to a message board. I appreciate it, and I respect you, and most of the people on these boards. There are just a few who I don't, and I know the feeling is mutual. I know I'm not alone in having my feelings about those individuals either, so it's not just me 'being a dickhead,' as I'm sure one of them are going to say, which I will reply with a 'Thank You.' But that's over now. What's in the past is in the past. I wasn't using my great uncle's death as an excuse, I was using it as the explanation for a slight change, that's all. Thank you all for pissing me off, I'm sure there are a few of you who are quite pleased.
pest666 said:
you absolutely are..... you've finally pushed things to the point where other people have had to come in and tell you not to stir the pot, and then you decided you needed an EXCUSE to explain your dumbass behavior (yet again I might add.....).

I've heard the my dog/grandma/uncle excuse before, and since you act the way you do, its no great surprise that you would use that as an excuse to CYA. I wouldn't even be surprised if you were going for a sympathy play to try and turn around all the ill will you've gathered since you've been here.... maybe thinking we'd feel sorry for you and let your BS slide. you're full of it, and a lot of people here can see the forest from the trees.
Again, what did I lie about? Point it out, I don't see it. Yeah, I've said I don't use hate in opinions, and I still don't. My saying 'Okay, now I hate someone' was my attempt at humor, which no one got. As for my great uncle, see my last post. Other than that: Thank You.
Dodens Grav said:
So you're saying to compromise my principles to appease a handful of mid-thirties males who live across the country I'll never see and have no respect for?
<slapping hand against forehead>
If you're just going to see like this, then stop coming here. You're
fucking yourself. It's not compromise. As long as you think it is,
you lose. period. You're done. have a NICE day. You want people
to respect you but you admit you dont respect us? Keep Digging Kid.
Keep Digging.

That's very interesting. DE may have respect from everyone on this board, but I haven't seen him do anything that earns respect.
OHMYGOD. <slapping hand against forehead again>
You know what Kid, someone needs to teach you a lesson about Respect.
DE does not need to prove anything to anyone. He doesn't need to prove
to you. He's already paid his dues, and put in his work and given to
the Bay Area Metal Scene for what? 20 Years? He's entitled. He's
deserved. You give respect, You get respect. That's what you Dawson
have to do. You don't get respect and then give it. Jesus Christ on
the Fucking Cross. He's a cool ass dude ask anyone here. For you
to be on his bad side, you fucked up bad dude and I'm being honest.
He's done for all of us civilians as well even on the board. Maybe
you're not seeing it cause you disrespected him and you got the shit
end of the stick.

The problem is, where I'm coming from, reasoning, logic, and understanding is used when talking.
Now throw that bullshit down the toilet cause that shit is what got you
in this mess. Capiche?

But here, it's a very crucial aspect of being accepted. That's ridiculous. I'm done trying to fucking be accepted by a bunch of random people, because when I tried, it got me nowhere.
I'm not the most popular person here either. You're missing the point.
And you were wrong in the first place. Everyone's wrong sometime.
Right now you have to admit you were wrong and all that hoo-ha above
got you in this mess.

I've said all I am going to say. (Yeah I know guys, you're welcome)
Everything you could do to better your situation here I've said.
If you don't try, you'll never know.

It's all on you. I'm going to the bar....

Dodens Grav said:
.... DE may have respect from everyone on this board, but I haven't seen him do anything that earns respect. All I've seen him do is belittle other people and get alcohol from Polish people..........
You no nothing of me..........I don't have address what I do(or have done) to earn anyones respect..........I do more than you will ever know....... my reputation is not just on this board..............I have friends all over The World.......They respect me......But I could give a Fuck if you don't!...............
And if your going to throw insults to my Polish friends for sending me a gift, Fuck Off! They are good people, very respectful, genuine, intelligent, Metal heads, and what are you................oh ya..............The Bitch!
cry cry cry whine whine whine

be sure to let us know when your grandma dies too!! or maybe she already did and that explains all your back and forth illogical behavior!!
Deadly Embrace said:
And if your going to throw insults to my Polish friends for sending me a gift, Fuck Off! They are good people, very respectful, genuine, intelligent, Metal heads, and what are you................oh ya..............The Bitch!
I didn't throw any insults at your Polish friends. I said you got alcohol from your Polish friends. Calm down, I'm not gonna crack any 'dumb Polack' jokes.
pest666 said:
cry cry cry whine whine whine

be sure to let us know when your grandma dies too!! or maybe she already did and that explains all your back and forth illogical behavior!!
Thank You.
I wasn't doing anything wrong with that comment, ON. I have nothing wrong with Polish people. I AM Polish. It's just a misunderstanding in semantics in this case. I wasn't being lude, sarcastic, or condescending in any way. I only pointed out the receiving of wine from the Polish fans because that was one of few things I've seen DE do. I meant no insult by it, honestly. Sorry for the misunderstanding there.
this forum is becoming so lame.

instaed somebody will take the mature approach and end it once and for all,
you all are being patty and idiotic about the same subject, and no, it doesnt matter who started it.

i was mistaken to think that some people here suppose to be mature and "old enough" to just step forward and end things like that,
but i guess thats not the case.

i actually dont know why im getting into all this....
oh yeah.
because i love testament, and i love the poeple on this forum (you too DE... and yeah you too Officer) but i cant stand to see that on every fucking thread you guys are arguing over and over the same fucking thing.
yet, i havent seen anybody here that will end this all this in the mature way.

it takes soooooo much more, in my opinion, to appologize, than to start another fight...

i guess no one here see it the way i do.

and no, dont bother to bash me for this post, i love you all.
i just cant stand those arguments.

it all started because of the Exsodus album....
how lame.
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not only has his uncle died, now he's POLISH AS WELL!!! Holy shit Batman, the worm is turning!! If you're going to continue lying, try coming up with something believeable.....

Thank You.
Dead_Lioness said:
this forum is becoming so lame.

instaed somebody will take the mature approach and end it once and for all,
you all are being patty and idiotic about the same subject, and no, it doesnt matter who started it.
Um. Yoo-hoo. I was trying to help him.

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