The Nevermore Board

well i think the breakup has a lot to do with it. nevermore is on hold or whatever, so there is no news of upcoming stuff. with no news, new people stop coming. with no new people to make fun of, regulars get bored. most of the people there who were interested in music beyond buttrock have been posting on RC for years already.

True story
Neal you're pretty cool. Come to Agalloch with Nad regn and myself let's beer

thanks for the invite dude, but i have to miss agalloch this time cause im going on a big camping trip with hella people i used to play in bands with/played shows with their band and we booked it all up before we knew about the show! fuck! also i live in norcal, but we're still talkin bout this san diego ipa tourfest westside rc beer-a-thon right?!
I was the first refugee, I believe. Haven't been there since mid 2003..... though there WERE some shenanigans back in the day. Anyone remember ledmag? Or RustedInPeace50? We caused some SHIT back in 2002. Noticed that the Cannibal Corpse board isn't around anymore? There's a reason for that.
Ledmag, RIP50, and Rebirth still post there from time to time. Ledmag's under a new name though. Jeff Loomis is out on a solo tour right now. Missed him in Fort Worth last night because we were securing a reception location. Oh well.