I posted this on the old board. but now it is no more.. so im gonna put what id like to see here
Rotting Christ-Great greek melodic dm band, just released a album so would be awsome.
Nevermore-They just rule!
My dying bride-Need no introduction, are british too
Haggard-Would be good on main stage.. to many members for small stage, theyr a bit of folk/dm/classic.
Nile-Would go down great i imagine
Children of bodom-A must!
The meads of asphodel-A original british band combining black metal and medival sounds
Opeth-Awsome band
That lot would keep me happy anyway
all would go down great
Rotting Christ-Great greek melodic dm band, just released a album so would be awsome.
Nevermore-They just rule!
My dying bride-Need no introduction, are british too
Haggard-Would be good on main stage.. to many members for small stage, theyr a bit of folk/dm/classic.
Nile-Would go down great i imagine
Children of bodom-A must!
The meads of asphodel-A original british band combining black metal and medival sounds
Opeth-Awsome band
That lot would keep me happy anyway