Some bands id like to see


Sep 9, 2002
Wales, U.K.
I posted this on the old board. but now it is no more.. so im gonna put what id like to see here
Rotting Christ-Great greek melodic dm band, just released a album so would be awsome.
Nevermore-They just rule!
My dying bride-Need no introduction, are british too
Haggard-Would be good on main stage.. to many members for small stage, theyr a bit of folk/dm/classic.
Nile-Would go down great i imagine
Children of bodom-A must!
The meads of asphodel-A original british band combining black metal and medival sounds
Opeth-Awsome band

That lot would keep me happy anyway :) all would go down great
Originally posted by William

Rotting Christ-Great greek melodic dm band, just released a album so would be awsome.
My dying bride-Need no introduction, are british too
Agree about Rotting Christ, but My Dying Bride bored me to death live. Incidentally, they were supported by Rotting Christ, who completely eclipsed MDB. Even the hardcore My Dying Bride fan I went with said she thought they were crap live, and should stick to the studio...
My Dying Bride bored me to death live

I've seen MDB twice this year - the first was in a 500 person venue in Dublin where they were amazing. The atmosphere was totally electric - probably the best since Anathema a few years ago.

At Wacken I wasn't madly impressed but Hamish seemed to be having a nightmare of a gig with technical problems and competing with Children of Bodom and JBO probably didn't help.

I'd say they'd do a great job at Bloodstock even though they aren't cheesy German power metal :)
Children of Bodom + Sinergy=YES PLEASE

But I have to say,

LOST HORIZON AND RHAPSODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know much about Rhapsody's situation, but I know Lost Horizon are itching to play over here.

And how about some up-and-coming British bands aswell and some brutal/extreme stuff?
Originally posted by cyberfella
What u guys think about carcass

Apart from the fact that Carcass are broken up about
6 years it'd be great. However Arch Enemy (Mike Ammot's
current band) would kick ass. They've a European tour
on before Xmas which had better come to Dublin or
I'll be a mite upset!!
Yea i no, sorry i was just listenin 2 stuff an thinkin what would be great at bloodstock03.

I think that zyklon would make an excellent contribution to the line up....... and children of bodom :grin:
Originally posted by William

Rotting Christ-Great greek melodic dm band, just released a album so would be awsome.
My dying bride-Need no introduction, are british too
Children of bodom-A must!
The meads of asphodel-A original british band combining black metal and medival sounds

I don't think R.C. would play in the UK after such a short time period of playing here - they're due to play the Garage in London on the 6th January (with Enthroned and Primordial). Hell, I'd love them to cuz they're one of my fave bands, but I don't think they would and also would they totally fit in with the type of metal played at Bloodstock... the same goes for My Dying Bride.

I could see CoB pulling off a cracking show at Bloodstock coz they've got some more power metal / trad metal moments to keep the purists happy. I seriously would cut one of my bollocks off to see CoB (or Manowar) play Bloodstock (or anywhere in the UK), but sadly it seems that they don't think they've got enough fans over here or something. If CoB or Manowar were to play, I'm pretty damn sure that both bands would want to be headliners though... :s

The Meads Of Asphodel have never played live, and so I don't think there's much chance of them playing Bloodstock, especially now that the main geezer that wrote their music has left the group. Great band though mate - respect due! :)