Some Cryptopsy samples from the new album

Posted my thoughts on the Morbid Angel board, but to summarize:

This is fucking horrible, and it makes me wonder whether Lord Worm left due to the "health issues" he'd stated in an interview, or if he had actually had disagreements over the band's direction and left. (Plus, Auburn I believe stated that Lord Worm was kicked out, before Worm countered with "leaving due to health issues")

Either way, I'm very disappointed by this. Coming from the band who wrote NSV, WS, ATYB and even OWN - this is a disgrace.
Yeah, I'm almost 100% certain this is really Cryptopsy. I watched a video of the new singer's other band, 3 Mile Scream, and it sounds exactly like both of those tracks - plus there's the trademark "loud blastbeats and fills" drum sound of Flo. It's really fucking sad.
wtf is wrong with you people? i thought you were prog fans. and this is progression, is it not?

I was all for listening to their newer direction, but I honestly expected something better than this....a lot better, I was under the assumption it was going to be similar to Once Was Not but with a more melodic side to the vocals and possibly more progressive metal influenced.

These songs are just awful though, I will probably listen to it ONCE out of curiousity though.
Holy fu...?????!??!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!

I... um... wow...

You SURE that's real? I mean, REALLY sure? Oh... jeeezus....

In my eyes they are no longer the same band (a la Sepultura).

How odd. I am truly baffled.
Yeah, I listened a few times the other day...jaw does one respond to this? Nu-metal/Metalcore with (at times) decent drumming? I really can't believe what has happened to such a powerful and influential band. I'll still give the album a listen, but I have a feeling it will not be a pretty site.

Le sigh.
This is fucking piss poor. If they've tried to alienate their fanbase then they've done a great job. Otherwise, that's another once great band down the shitter.
wtf is wrong with you people? i thought you were prog fans. and this is progression, is it not?

This band went from a once great death metal band, to a shitty metalcore/nu-metal styled band with Flo's drumming. That's not progression, that's a major regression. If they wanted to play this type of music, they should have changed their name instead of shitting on the legacy that they built for themselves.
This band went from a once great death metal band, to a shitty metalcore/nu-metal styled band with Flo's drumming. That's not progression, that's a major regression. If they wanted to play this type of music, they should have changed their name instead of shitting on the legacy that they built for themselves.

They were already Nu-metal/metalcore on their last album. Tbh they were halfway there from the day the band formed.
Tbh they were halfway there from the day the band formed.

I don't usually post but sometimes someone says something so stupid that they must be stopped. 'None So Vile' is about as far removed from metalcore as truth is from your above statement.

Anyway, onto something else I noticed. Is everybody REALLY SURE this is Cryptopsy? The reason I ask is because on the band's official website it says:

"February 28th 2008
...Right now the band is plunged deeply into the production of the new album and so far everything is going well,” says guitarist Alex Auburn."

So 16 days ago, the band was 'plunged deeply into the production of the new album' and now, here we are listening to what appears to be finished songs. Doesn't really add up. I call bullshit. You heard it here first.
The reason why I'm thinking it's Cryptopsy is because the vocals are very very similar, if not the same, to the singer's other band (3 Mile Scream), and it does have that trademark Flo drumming. Someone on the Morbid Angel board also tried googling some of the lyrics that they could make out and there weren't any results....

As far as Cryptopsy being "half-way to nu-metal/metalcore from the day the band formed"...are you listening to the same band that we are? Explain to me how songs like "Graves of the Fathers" or "Phobophile" have a JUMPDAFUCKUP and/or 4/4 chugga-chugga breakdown sound to them. Or is it, that they don't? If it's indeed about the breakdowns in some of the songs, that's almost as ridiculous as saying that thrash metal is close to metalcore because some thrash bands use breakdowns as well. It's a flawed, and ultimately untrue, argument.
I just listened to "Slit Your Guts" on myspace off None So Vile and it definitely has some jumpdafuckup elements, one riff especially, although most of it is kickass.