Some deathy Futuristic Prog metal multitracks for ya


Apr 19, 2009
I've had this song kinda chilling for a few years, it's a little pipe dream project I was going to fuck with down the line but I still haven't gotten around to it. Anyway, got multitracks right here. There's a notes file with BPM and a little rundown on how I structured the pack for your reading pleasure. The name of the project is Composite, a little bit modeled after stuff like the heavier faster Cynic, Andromeda, Zero Hour, stuff kinda in that realm.

My mix from a while back, for ref:

I'm actually looking for a good bass player to fill this project out, so if that tickles your fancy, well then feel free and let me know if you're interested.

Di sounds like Blackouts? Loomis Blackouts? Blackouts Blackouts? :tickled::tickled::tickled:
EMG 81 for rhythms and a 85 for the leads, but yeah they clip man. Haven't done the 18 volt mod yet, maybe I should, ya think? I think I've got an extra emg battery connector somewhere around.
EMG 81 for rhythms and a 85 for the leads, but yeah they clip man. Haven't done the 18 volt mod yet, maybe I should, ya think? I think I've got an extra emg battery connector somewhere around.

The clipping is actually no problem with active pickups. There is a difference in clipping the internal preamp and clipping an interface.

When you clip the preamp in the EMG it can work as a kind of Tubescreamer which can sound sick. I'd be more concerned if the Interface input was clipped.
Hello Mike,

I too am a huge fan of Cynic and truly enjoyed the song! Hope you can find the right members to continue the project!

Here's my take on the song, enjoy ;)