Some drumsamples I recorded

The snare makes for a really great rock snare too.. there's a great sense of space on it. Did you export the overheads with the snare tracks as well? Or a bit of a room mic? Was there a lot of EQ going on?

Sorry for bombarding you with all these questions now.. but so far I'm liking this snare more than Andy's sample :)
Argh all of the links here (.zip and .wav) return a 404 error.

Any chance to get these archives? I can host them if you want, just PM me.

is it me or lately i´ve seen a lot of "one-post-members" resurrecting threads from many many months ago or asking things that you can get just reading the
sticky posts or using the SEARCH function ?
I am terribly sorry. I try and behave every time I join new forums - I usually do a fairly good job - but it is clear that something slipped for me on this one. I'll be more thorough and double check. Sorry!
A lot of the drum sample threads are shit, because all the links are dead. BUT, if people start downloading that huge drum sample collection that was made by Erkan, they can get the best out of those drum samples!