$500 or best offer most likely, and whenever I get my custom from Halo (they say it'll be ready mid-September).
Make me an offer!
btw... guitar specs:
Mid-90s Korean made BC Rich Platinum Series Warlock 7-string, originally bought on eBay for $350.
Custom-routed and installed bridge EMG707 ($110 for pickup, $150 for routing and installation).
Custom finish: original black paint stripped, sanded clean and stained cherry. (I spent about 3 weeks on this)
The guitar has seen some battles, and like most heavily used Warlocks, the headstock is chipped. The body also has some nicks and scratches.
Still, this is a wonderful fucking axe. All of Goblin Island is written/recorded with it, and it's been used in every live show we've played. The only reason I'm getting rid of it is because the 8-string custom I'm getting from Halo is going to be my primary guitar, and I really have no need for another one (plus I'm broke
