Some Kind of Monster ...


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
I was watching last night Some Kind of Monster ... the Bonus DVD from the Metallica set (oddly enough Netflix sent me the bonus disc before I received the movie). SO I was watching some clips from it.

The Mustaine / Lars talk is pretty brutal. Lars is crying during it, Mustaine just looks like such a vulnerable soul. But then you realize stuff like, wait ... they are talking about Mustain getting kicked out of Metallica back in the days, with no second chances. But he had a pretty kick ass career himself, definetelly more focused and honest than Metallica.

It is a reall yinteresting documentary, but I am not sure I really care for them on that deep level that I give a shit about their problems.
Brave Worlds Bloody Knuckles just gave the #1 spot of 2004 to Megadeth. Mastodon was at #3, Death Angel at #4...forget the rest. It was all quite mixed up.

Anyway, good for Megadeth. They're still relevant and anything Mustaine does still interests me, unlike Selloutica.

Still, he'll NEVER get over being kicked out of Metallica. It is so deep rooted...Lars only cried because he's a fag. He doesn't give a shit about anyone other than himself.
I seen the documentary in the theaters. Going to pick up the DVD either tonight or tomorrow. Megadeth never interested me much. Nor does Mustaine's incessant whining on getting kicked out.
20 years ago:
Megadeth > Metallica

Megadeth (> x10E281) Metallica

20 years ago:
festering pile of rat feces > Lars

the same festering pile of rat feces, aged to perfection > Lars
the worst idiot in the documentary seems to be Bob Rock.
I don't know why these guys hang and use the services of this guy. I mean there are some kick ass producers out there that can bring out so much more out of these guys.

Bob Rock comes across as the biggest Metallica groupie most of the time.
The amount of money that Metallica has, they can afford pretty much anyone ... if they really want to experiment.
I can't think of a single redeeming quality he's ever possessed. I never thought he was a good drummer, he was always a complete putz, and I'll bet he smells funny too. He may have partial writing credit for some of my favorite Metallica songs but that's only because he would tell Jaymez "yeah, I like that riff!"

If I end up watching Some Kind of Monster, it'll be because it was free and I'm bored. And probably drunk.
There is an outtake on the bonus DVD of when JaRule and Swiss Beatz (the producing team) are talking to Bob Rock about some early recordings they want to use for that abbomination of a song that eventually surfaced.

I think any moron with good hearing would have thrown all those monkeys out of the studio after hearing the back beat and the rap on top of it. I mean ... I enjoy hip hop sometimes, but those fuckers had to be high to think that was a good track.

Bob Rock ... just sitting there and bobbing his head and singing along to JaRule .. that is grounds for dismissal right there.
I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking Ulrich gives himself credit on nearly everything so he doesn't miss out on any for Bob Rock, what has he really done besides cleaning up their sound, Lars would never work with a producer who dared to challenge his way of thinking
Erik said:
Also he probably removed any semblance of thrash riffs on "The Black Album" :erk:
He did, there's some documentary on that album if anyone's seen it and the fellas jam in the studio and Bob Fockmeintheass goes hey dudes that's groovy... but try it a bit more like this DUH DUHDUH DA DAA DUH DUHDUH DA DAA DUH DUHDUH DA DAA DUH DUHDUH DUDUDU so I can make more money
I saw the movie out of morbid curiosity. Did I enjoy the film? immensely? Did I find a new found respect for metallica. Nope! But I still enjoyed the movie. That is saying something. I enjoyed seeing a "rock" band at their last leg, and this really is the end for them, or at least the beginning of the end. They have problems and they showed them, and acted like realy human beings, or were they acting like that because they knew the camera's were rolling, and it would make good drama.

Still worth watching at least once...

and the lars/mustaine bonus cut was really good.

Evil c.
heh, I haven't seen the movie in question, nor do I want to, but I have a strong suspicion that it is the soap opera of "heavy metal"

(note the quotations)
I think it's a great movie and I've bought the dvd's. Everyone should see this with open eyes and ears and not try to find things to dislike about Metallica. Fyi I don't like St Anger at all, or just about any material past 1991.
James Hetfield has been on national public radio lately (NPR) promoting this DVD and the book, "So What". Anyway, he's quite open about the early material vs. 90's material, putting the change down to just not being angry anymore.

He cites "Dyers Eve" as being his last really 'angry' song (all anger directed to parents, by the way, due to the Christian Science upbringing). His mom had already died by then, and his father was a dick, but then James '"just grew up" and simply wasn't angry anymore.

"Load" and "Reload" were not anger-driven whatsoever. And any anger represented on "St. Anger" is a reflection of himself or his bandmates etc.

So the moral of the story is, if you want to write good metal, make sure you have assholes for parents. Or something.

I honestly believe that James and Lars etc just don't get it, from a fan backlash perspective. They think that fans are angry because each new album doesn't sound like 'Ride the Lightning' or 'Kill 'em All'. He doesn't even take into consideration the concepts of "sellout", "mtv whores", "napster bootlegs", etc.

But am I wrong? Are there Metallica fans out there still expecting to hear "Ride the Lightning part 2"? Personally I don't even think that was possible even after RtL was immediately released....they were already on their way progressing to MoP by that point.

From that point of view, I side with Metallica in a way. Metal fans are fickle enough to dismiss anything if it isn't as good as the band's magnum opus. "Oh it's not Number of the Beast so it sucks"...or "It's not as good as Rust in Peace is it?". Fuck off.
hmm ... good points.

I heard about James' parental issues about 10 years ago and if you really read into the lyrics of MOP especially, you can tell that they are all about lack of control and being in a box. Hidden well, between other metaphors.

On this new DVD, actually Lars comes across as the one most fighting this new therapy vibe. At one point he is really steaming at the therapist as he is actually in the recording studio with him and Bob Rock and interfering with music creation.

Quoting Lars ... "I am happy when this guy is out of the room and I can stew in my anger ... 20 years and 100 million records and this guy wants us to change ... I don't know ... I think we were doing OK"

I think the fact that all Metallica fans and the band themselves constantly say ... "they do what they want and please noone but themselves" ... this might have been fine in the past, but now, especially after watching the DVD, seems rather selfish.

I honestly believe, as much as they hate to admit it, is that their ego's are way out of control and they would need a serious motivated producing team to get them out of this musical whole they are in .. because honestly, me as a fan cannot fathom what they can possibly do next !?!?!?!?!?
I'd like to see the movie; I think they produced fine metal material on the 1st 4 Albums, from the BLACK album forward is crap!