Some Kind of Monster ...

I think someone should take away everything they own and have while they sleep and then wake thewm up and beat them up and then place them in a small fucking room with amps and instruments and eachother and then leave them for six months and then collect the tape
fotmbm said:
I think someone should take away everything they own and have while they sleep and then wake thewm up and beat them up and then place them in a small fucking room with amps and instruments and eachother and then leave them for six months and then collect the tape

LOL .... and leave only cases of Absolut, Jagermeister and Beer for food.
Ok ... just watched the actual feature and came to some surprising conclusions.

As much as I hate to say it, it seems that all along James was the real problem in the band and Lars, while a total goof and a douche, when it comes to the actual "band stuff" he is much more level headed and seemed to want to protect their olden ways more.
Kirk, he is just a mellow dude and sadly being pushed around a lot.

I don't know what to make of that movie ... I am all for people trying to better themselves, but a rock'n roll band should keep this to themselves.
Kirk is fucking useless.

Over the years, I've been reading occasional guitar magazines (Guitar World, or Guitar One) and every year they publish readers polls. You get to choose from a suggested list. Anyway, I don't understand why it's always "Hetfield & Hammet" when it comes to Metallica. In truth, it should just be "Hetfield" receiving the accolades (if any).

Hetfield/Hammet is hardly the same as Mustaine/Friedman, King/Hanneman, Smith/Murray, Downing/Tipton, etc.

Hammet is just a Janick at this point.
I saw this over the weekend....

Yep, Kirk Hammet is just useless. Even in band discussion, he just lets Lars or James make all the decisions and follows along with his fucking wah-pedal and pentatonic majors. And he really needs to face facts and admit to a receding hairline. He looks like a poodle.

By the way, although I see why Dave Mustaine needs some serious, serious psychotherapy (plus some of the comments between Dave and Lars make you cringe into laughter, with Lars saying "I always remember the sensitive side to you Dave, and I was always attracted to that"....jeebus), I do agree it was unfortunate the way they edited his segment for the final cut. They spliced together the discussion of him being kicked out of the band to him weeping....and the 'unedited version' shows him remembering Cliff Burton and then beginning to weep.

They just cut two pieces together to make it look like he was crying over Lars kicking him out, and totally ignored the mention of Cliff Burton.

Watching this documentary, you realize it's pieced together like a reality show.

Also, I didn't see any mention of them disowning (or admitting to hating) Load or Reload...? Anyways, it's interesting if you have a sunday afternoon to kill.
I had to pull out Master and Ride last week after watching this, just to kill the bad taste in my mouth.

Did you see the bit on the second disc when Jason calls and leaves them a message on the voice mail calling them homos for not telling him about the gig they played at the Raiders game. Then James proceeeds to say, "Jason does not understand this new circle of communication they have. This new bond" But the way he said was very "new agey" ... Someone please get James to have a drink once in awhile and loosen up.
God damn. If you fuckers were trying to sell anyone on this movie, you're failing. :tickled:

Yes Virginia, there is such a thing as bad press.
You should still see it. It's a good piece of filmaking. The bonus disc is far better than the feature though.
Next time I'm hungover and a DVD-R of it is sitting within arm's reach, I'll watch it. Actually, hearing Newstead call them homos sounds like Purely Raw Unadulterated Comedy Gold.
I never saw most of the second disc. Watching any of this fly-on-the-wall type stuff is pretty exhausting.

I did see clips of the Raiders gig though, and to see Bob Rock playing bass, smiling away and shaking his hips just looks all wrong....I mean, come on, they're playing "Battery" and he's grinning away and nodding to the crowd. He must be in his 50's now with that horrible Vince Neil haircut. He is such a queer.

Funnily enough, Lars and James crucified him for being 'too smiley' on stage. They all looked like queers actually -- Hetfield has morphed into that biker guy lookalike, Jesse James. Lars has cropped peroxide blonde hair and telling Dave Mustaine that he's attracted to his sensitive side, before selling his paintings at Southebys for $5m. Yes, $5m. Kirk Hammet wears short shorts and flip-flops, and only raised his voice once when the other guys told him that guitar solos were gay. That was pretty funny to see him squirming with his job threatened like that.

Oh another thing - how much money do Metallica have? When auditioning bass players, and upon offering the job to Rob Truijllio, they gave him an immediate $1m signing fee. You should have seen the grin on that dude's face.

Interesting fact: the other bass players auditioned were the guy from Kyuss and the freak from Marilyn Manson. The guy helping select bass players actually told Lars & James that he had searched the underground scene, but he could only find "great bass players that couldn't sing or great singers that couldn't play bass, and all together, none of them had played a gig with more than 1000 people in the audience".

Of course, the fact that 99.9% of underground bands would tell them to go to hell didn't even enter the discussion.

But would I play bass for Metallica for $1m sign-up fee, plus future tour and album royalties, and endorsement deals? Shit yes.
Funny that everyone says "the guy from Kyuss" when they refer to Scott Reeder. He's been in a ton of other bands, not to mention that Nick Oliveri (the Dwarves, Mondo Generator, Queens of the Stone Age) was Kyuss' original bassist and played on the first two albums.

The freak from Marilyn Manson is in A Perfect Circle now. He's extremely talented, but most don't recognize anything beyond his bizarre makeup and demeanor.

I'd do it for the $1 mil bonus, definitely. "Come on guys, let me play Anesthesia!" :Spin:
fuckin' sell outs :D

The Kyuss dude looked the part, eerily reminiscent of Cliff.

The other guy that was/is good was Pepper Keenan, but that guy is way too hardcore of a rocker in the Lemmy sense and would eat the Metallica boys for breakfast.
One Inch Man said:
Funny that everyone says "the guy from Kyuss" when they refer to Scott Reeder. He's been in a ton of other bands, not to mention that Nick Oliveri (the Dwarves, Mondo Generator, Queens of the Stone Age) was Kyuss' original bassist and played on the first two albums.

Well, they showed clips of all the bass players auditioning and just flashed up which current band they were with. Obviously, Reeder is looking for some mo' $ if he's looking to follow on from Cliff Burton and Newsted.

Also, even funnier, I think they hired Truijllo for two reasons: (a) he was used to touring the stadium circuit with OzzFest, and (b) he could actually play the songs.

Almost every bass player fucked up the audition. Seriously, they couldn't even play the intro to "For Who the Bell Tolls".
JayKeeley said:
Almost every bass player fucked up the audition. Seriously, they couldn't even play the intro to "For Who the Bell Tolls".
Weak! I learned them shitz before I'd even been playing for a year!

Wait, was it Pepper Keenan who tried out, or Mike Dean? Pepper's the singer/guitarist of COC, honestly I would hate to see that dude play bass for anyone, his guitar playing is way too amazing. Mike Dean is COC's bassist, that dude fucking rocks. Anyone who plays insanely crazy (and sometimes crazily insane) bass solos on a P-bass gets the thumbs up from me.
You know, I like Trujillo. He seems like a really easy going guy that genuinely likes to play music. Although he seems, the Kirk, "Ok, I'll do whatever you like me to do" type.

But some people like these tpye of positions and obvioulsy quite contempt with making millions and just enjoying the ride ... and just leave the pressure onto James and Lars'
True. I don't think anyone else could make the cut, just because of the ego size of James and Lars. Kirk even mentioned that he "trained himself" to just go with the flow. I think he is a bhuddist or something.

Also, Truijilijiohjo is the new kid on the block. Like you say, he's never seen this kind of $ wonga. Plus he doesn't smile like a girl when he plays Battery.
Yes, Kirk mentioned something to that effect. Like purposely trying not to have an ego and just enjoying the riches. I mean these guys are fucking millionaires, have everything they want and have zero pressure. I mean ... this is fucking ideal for them really.
You should really check out the 2nd Disc as it is actually more insightful than the movie itself, but it is about 4 hours worth of outtakes.
That means having to re-rent it. :loco:

Oh yeah, I saw all that shit with the sugar hill gang and tone loc or whoever those niggaz were sampling St Anger riffs. That was a real low point with Bob Rock and Lars nodding along to the beatz with da hippy hoppers.

It was also funny how the therapist started to help write lyrics for St Anger. :lol: And James says, "this guy is pushing the boundaries, I mean does he think he's in the band now?". Hahaha, they couldn't get rid of him.

Also, what about all that shit with James going hunting for bears in Russia!!!! They wait for the bears to re-appear from hibernation, shoot them, and leave the carcass on the ground. They can't eat any of it because the bear hasn't defecated in three months so the blood is full of toxins. What kind of sport is that, shooting bears waking up from a 3 month slumber? Dirty rednecks.

People who kill animals for pleasure are fucking cowards and very homosexual. Unless of course you're killing mosquitoes, then you're ok.