Some news...

Cooperman the rescue!!!
Apr 13, 2001
Virginia, USA
As some of you may know, I've been slaving away (read "bumming around") at uni for the last 8 and a bit years... 4 years on my undergrad degree and the last 4 and bit years doing a PhD in Chemistry. I'm coming to the end of it all and should (read "I hope to") have submitted my thesis by around August some time.

I've published the odd paper from my research along the way but didn't really think people read them. That was until about 6 months ago when I got an email from someone at NASA asking if I was interested in applying to do a postdoc there. At first I wasn't really interested for various reasons, but the more I thought about it the more I realised this was too good an offer to turn down. How many people get to say they've worked at NASA?

So I applied... and last week I got a package from them offering me the job. It's basically a 2 year reseach position working out of Goddard Space Flight Center in the DC/Maryland metro area. If all goes according to plan (read "if I can pull my finger out and get my thesis finished") I'll be heading over there at the beginning of Jan 2005.

I've obviously gotta leave my band behind which is a real bummer as the CD is getting sent off for pressing this week (will be posting mp3's soon) and our CD launch is happening August 13.

On the upside, I cannot wait to catch all those US tours!!!! :D
That'd be great publicity for the band when you come home from your US stint. How many Aussie metal bands include a rocket scientist? Probably less than you'd imagine.
Unfortunately I won't be a rocket scientist or an astronaut... but as I'll be working in the Astrochemistry Division I suppose I'll be an "Astrochemist" which does have a nice ring to it.

Thanks for the good wishes! :)