Some News!


Proud IMG Guitarist!
Apr 16, 2001
Maryland USA
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I put up the first vocal mix of Where Eagles Dare on MMs myplay locker. Go check it out. 7th especially. Let me know what you think. I am not married to it, so by all means blast away.

I would have probably remixed it with a couple things changed if I were not so lazy. If you all make the suggestions that I was going to do, I'll definately make it happen.
I'd like some more feedback from you EC ;) ..before I press it as final. I also have to strip the vox from this version to make the karaoke. I think I did a better job with the drums..although the crash cymbals do not cut through as much as I would have liked.
WOW Constantine :hypno:
Two years of this and no one has ever called me Bruce!
Thats a big compliment! Thanks man..sometimes I fell like hanging up the mic... :erk:
But comments like that make me wanna grow my hair back out and join a band :heh:
The real magic here I feel goes out to you guy's!!!!!
and Rabs fine talent of adjusting volume and add just the right amount of FX and such....:)

:Smokedev: :muahaha: :rock:
Farkin 'ell lads.....

Its great to hear a quality mix after all this time again.....!!!

RABS : Great mix man...i still understood what u were wanting to achieve on this and reckon you bloody nailed it dude...!! Awesome...its almost as good as the original.....

My only nit-pick would be that the vox needed to go up a lil..... and i feel the mix was deprived of treble a lil..... but other than than that....its another guild classic thats for sure.....

7th: Farkin great vox man.,.... This song fits right into your vox slot thats for sure.... Farkin your best work yet...!! Right up there with icarus... ;)

Bravo lads.....

Originally posted by rabies
I'd like some more feedback from you EC ;) ..before I press it as final. I also have to strip the vox from this version to make the karaoke. I think I did a better job with the drums..although the crash cymbals do not cut through as much as I would have liked.

Cool Rabs, I'll get it tomorrow and post some thoughts as soon as I can. As you can seeby the lateness of this reply, I've been busy (mostly with remodeling the house) and have barely had time to check e-mail. :erk:

Medsy: I'll have something for you hopefully this weekend if I can get some spare time. :cool:
Still waiting on your comments EC.

I know the vocals seem a bit low. This was intentional. Vocals any higher caused problems. Trust me on this one.

I also think the same about the treble. I think it is mostly due to the fact that the cymbals were very low and next to impossible to bring out without making the snare sound like crap.
Originally posted by rabies
Still waiting on your comments EC.

I know the vocals seem a bit low. This was intentional. Vocals any higher caused problems. Trust me on this one.

I also think the same about the treble. I think it is mostly due to the fact that the cymbals were very low and next to impossible to bring out without making the snare sound like crap.

Sorry Rabs, I haven't gotten it yet. Been workin non-stop on the house. I'll get it soon. :grin:
Originally posted by rabies
Still waiting on your comments EC.

I know the vocals seem a bit low. This was intentional. Vocals any higher caused problems. Trust me on this one.

I also think the same about the treble. I think it is mostly due to the fact that the cymbals were very low and next to impossible to bring out without making the snare sound like crap.

Hmmm... Would it be that the vox prob shows a bit in the latter part of the song? Or is it just my speakers that make it sound a bit distorted? :confused:

And yeah, it's a bit kick-heavy but all in all I think it's a good solid mix. Fine job there Rabs. :)
soory for my lateness

Killer mix Rabs, much better then what I had orriginally heard. The cymbal mix is my my fault, you did a great job blew me away on this one man, I may have to say this is your best yet, outfriggingstanding job man

Maidenman, you are still alive! ;)

Its been awhile since I listened to the mix, much less touched it, but it sounds like the consensus is the new mix sounds pretty good. I'll probably just go ahead and rename the .mp3 as final and add all the .mp3 tags to the file.

I can't wait to mix again - with my new computer and speaker setup. We need to get busy! Losfer Words?
Well Rabs, I finally got ahold of Eagles! ;)

The first time I downloaded it, MyPlay replaced it with a 10 second clip saying that "my time had expired and that I'd have to hear it through the MyPlay site" or some weird thing like that. :confused: It must've been an error of some sort though, because i was able to download it last night, no problems. :cool:

I'm only now getting my first listen, but I'm very impressed already! The low end is tight, and meaty, and punchy. Very balanced through the whole mix. Vox are blending nicely (great job 7thSon!). Guitars are crisp and can be heard clearly in thier own spaces. Snare drum maybe a wee bit loud, but that's awfully hard to avoid. Sounds great! :rock:

I'll have more to say tomorrow after I get a chance to listen more and really crank it up, though I can't really see much constructive criticism right off the bat. I think you guys nailed this one pretty damn well! :rock:
You did a good job mixing this. 7thSon I don't know how you can sing that high! Good job.

Sorry I bailed out on you on this one Rabies. Your guitar work is excellent!

Great playing all around!