some of you fuckers are just being idiots

bobvex said:
seriously. i'm tired of filtering out shit.

some people are, indeed, yeah
you know me, you know i try not to be a bitch randomly, i even created an alternate forum for people to spam and badmouth as much as they want

but if there's modding like deleting shit and stuff we never dealed with before, it should be different. I mean, wtf, closing a thread talking about CS, what the fuck was that?
at least post some reason for doing what you are doing, or people WILL revolt. Why? because they can.
it's very nice words with point too, Thanatopsis.
but the ppl that you are talking about actually enjoy from it...
its pointless fight with them
you cant explain to an idiot that he is an ideot
Thanatopsis said:
i've been reading this forum less and less lately. I am a nice person, I don't think anyone here would say to themselves "That Thanatopsis guy is a real asshole". So it just bothers me that many of you go out of your way to break the webmaster's rules, make life miserable for younger or less informed fans, or simply degrade the band in general.

sure, everyone is entitled to their opinion, I don't have the right to make anyone be quiet, but I do have the right to say that it would go a long way if some of you would simply remember the words kindness, courtesy, and patience. If someone wants to know if there are COB vids online, either say nothing or say, sorry there aren't any. If someone says that they are new and they like "Are You Dead Yet?" then stop telling them they're stupid, stop putting the band down. There is no point but self-gratification. You say "no it just sucks" and in your mind it does, in my mind its not as bad as you say but its better than most things on the radio here. My point is this: new people come here because its the "Children of Bodom" forum, but they soon realize it's been overtaken by persons who don't really care about Children of Bodom. I think Yanko's idea of another forum was a great one, go and be as depraved and rude as you like. I am a patient person, so I haven't said anything up till now, but seriously people, grow up and realize that putting other's down will never get you anywhere but further into immature pride.
You're all probably proud of this, but I have noticed that the noobs that are accepted right away no question are the pretty girls that post pictures of themselves.

I don't expect anything to change from my post, and I am not forcing this on anyone obviously, but does anyone else think that a kind word to a noob or an answer to a simple but repeated question, or keeping your bodom bashing to yourself ARE NOT HARD THINGS TO DO?

okay....Thanatopsis is done ranting...maybe someone will rethink their immaturity
that post, combined with your avatar, made me feel very emo.
im not Santa Clause, I am not going to make a naughty or nice list.
that would just create problems. i dont want any sort of personal issues to arise with anyone. my post was just to say, come on's not hard to be nice.
Tut Ankh Amon said:
what about me?
i didn't even posted the joke making fun of you i was going to! :lol: :p
you're allowed to make fun of me because you know i won't care haha
i just care about the other people, haha